Thread: Harry Potter: Fallen - Sa13+
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Old 11-06-2006, 02:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Fallen - Sa13+

This takes place after Draco backed out in killing Dumbledore. His father forces Draco to return to Hogwarts for his final year, so he does. On the train, he finds it half-empty and the only two people he really knew well that had returned were his cousin Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson (much to his horror). But there is one other that does, Hermione Granger. The fact she returned wasn't what surprised him, he's stunned by her changes physically.
They both get off the train last and are forced to share the last carriage to Hogwarts. They make it to the Feast just in time to hear one important announcement.
The Triwizard Tournament has returned. More security has been put on it since Cedric's death and Harry's claim of the cup being a portkey to a graveyard of Death Eaters 3 years prior. As McGonagall put it, it's more of a 'test tournament' (the winner still gets the cup and a thousand Galleons though). When he asks for Hermione's help, will there be more than the tournament going on between the two...?

The title is from the song Fallen by Sarah McLachlan.

POVs will switch within chapters, since I don't want to do an only-Draco-POV story, but not an only-Hermione-POV story cause then it'd be kinda plain...
Yes, long summary, but I don't feel like shortening it
This is my 5th F.F (fourth related to Draco, and it's technically my 3rd version of Draco and Hermione's 7th year ).

Chapter 1
Draco’s Debate

Draco had to be pushed onto the train by his mother. He knew she didn’t want him to go, he knew she had to make him go. Lucius couldn’t be here, since he had escaped Azkaban and is wanted again. If he was, Draco would’ve been pulled by the ear and shoved into a compartment anyways.

Lugging his bags through the train’s halls, he walked towards the end of the train where the Slytherin compartments usually were. He had no idea who was coming back this year, so he didn’t know where to look. Looking through the window of a compartment, he recognized his cousin’s dark skin. Was Blaise forced to come as well?

Opening the compartment door, Draco pulled his things inside and closed the compartment door.

“How was you summer, Malfoy?” Blaise asked automatically.

“Worse...” was all Draco let out as he pushed his things on the luggage carriers above the chairs. He sat down across from Blaise. Before Blaise could respond, the compartment door was flung open.

“Draco!” a high pitch squeal echoed through the room. Draco stiffened his jaw shut, trying to keep it from dropping, but his eyes widened. He couldn’t believe Pansy came back.

“I thought you said you weren’t coming back!” she exclaimed as she dropped her things onto the floor in front of a seat. She dropped into the seat next to Draco and started chatting about her summer and how she missed him.

The whole time, Draco was inching, ever so slowly, closer towards the compartment door. Pansy was too busy talking to notice he was moving.

Within ten minutes, Pansy still yapping non-stop, Draco was in the seat next to the door.

“You silly!” she exclaimed as she got up to move to the seat next to Draco.

“Actually I’m going to the bathroom,” Draco made a quick excuse. Before Pansy could object, he bolted out of the compartment. He walked quickly towards the front of the moving train, occasionally looking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn’t being followed.

Where are Crabbe and Goyle? Draco wondered. He nearly ran into the trolley because of his paranoia of Pansy following him.

“Would you like something?” the woman that ran the trolley asked Draco stiffly.

“Uh... a chocolate frog and a pumpkin pastry.”

“I’ll have two chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pastry,” a recognizable voice said.

Looking up, Draco couldn’t help but be slightly surprised at who he was looking at. He was more surprised at the appearance of Hermione Granger. He expected her to come back for her final year; she cared more about her education than anything he found. She had changed though, her previously normal bushy hair had turned into beautiful curls, she had grown taller, growing more into her slim figure. Her brown eyes were as bright as ever, and she seemed to have a tan that was highlighted by a light blue sweater. He noticed her hair was highlighted by the sun.

“Actually, I’ll have three chocolate frogs, three pumpkin pastries and a cauldron cake.”

“Four chocolate frogs, five pumpkin pastries and three cauldron cakes,” Hermione challenged.

“Five chocolate frogs, eight pumpkin pastries, four cauldron cakes and a treacle tart,” Draco countered.

“Six chocolate frogs, nine pumpkin pastries, five cauldron cakes, three treacle tarts and a licorice wand,” Hermione countered Draco’s contradiction.

“Eight chocolate frogs, twelve pumpkin pastries, nine cauldron cakes, six treacle tarts, three licorice wands and two peppermint toads.”

“We don’t even have enough of those on here for this debate! Now what do you two want?” the trolley woman exclaimed.

“Two chocolate frogs please,” Hermione stated.

“I’ll have three.”

“Actually I’ll...”

“Two chocolate frogs it is!” the woman cut her off as she handed the chocolate frogs to Hermione, and then took her money.

“Three chocolate frogs,” Draco said flatly.

The woman on the trolley dropped three tins of them into Draco’s hand, and he gave her his money. Before Hermione could buy two more, the trolley was pushed away.

“So you actually returned, eh?” Hermione asked in a dark way.

“You of all people should understand what people will do just to finish their education,” Draco responded coolly. He was still unable to get over how much Hermione had changed with the past three months. He had noticed her changes in 5th year, but he tried to push away his thoughts of her then. Now that she stood in front of him, in their final year of probably ever seeing one another, she shook his world again.

“I’m not in as much danger as you will be, Malfoy,” she shot back at him threateningly. She turned and opened the compartment door beside her, out of his sight before he could respond.

Draco had never been as stunned as he was right now. Never in his lifetime had he imagined that he, a pureblood Slytherin, would ever start to form real feelings for a Gryffindor mudblood.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 07-17-2007 at 05:20 AM.
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