Originally Posted by Drusilla Black
An unexpected problem occurred to me... Or actually I had it in mind before ... I mean when a firstie is getting their things/playing on diagon alley, oughtn´t they be not sorted yet? I mean we hardly can claim that from the newbies, who got a lot to learn also otherwise, but we who have been around longer and bring a new charrie ...
*re-reads* What I mean is it will surely be okay to pretend you don´t know yet what House you´re in?
I agree. What I did was I RP'ed that my charrie (Shane Prince) got sorted in the Great Hall much like Draco was in the movie. (I RPed details like: the hat had hardly touched his head when it blurted out "SLYTHERIN!" and Shane smirked as he strutted off to the corresponding table.)
Originally Posted by Maya Ellwood
Umm, what if a noob pretends to be a shopkeeper and, uh, Well, you know. The obvious. ' Um dats lyk 50000 glleons and 12 siklz ' and demand that you pay that much? Wouldn't that be, uh, ridiculous? What do we do then?
I hope this question itself isn't that ridiculous.
RP that you've already paid. *
* What can they do?
And it's never a ridiculous question.