Thread: Harry Potter: I Write Sins, Not Tragedies - Sa13+
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Old 11-02-2006, 02:08 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Charlotte (Charlie) Elizabeth Jamison
Going Broadway <3

Originally Posted by Tinkerbaby94 View Post
You are a really good writer.
Awww, thank you!
Originally Posted by padfoot_rox93 View Post
Stupid first years with their gossip. They should mature, for god's sake! lol, PAMS!
Yeah... mature 11-year-olds, sounds like something that may happen in the next... I dunno, 10 thousand years? lol.
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
wow that was a good chapter but yeah i don't exactly hex people i just kind of pick fights with them but your a good writer and i can't wait till it get's in depth.
Sure, sure. lol. And thank you.
Well, I've been working long and hard on a chapter, unfortunately... not this one. One later I already know what is going t ohappen a few chapters from now...and I think I started developing on what was on the final few chapters... just not an end yet. Anyways... here'a'go.

:Thanks a lot, Harry:
“Hagrid!” Ginny pounded on the door. No answer. Fang was barking inside, but Hagrid wasn’t there.
“No, no! They can’t do this! Hagrid can’t be gone!” Ginny cried and cried on his front step. It was hours later, she still sat on the front step crying.
“He can’t be gone… he can’t be gone…” she murmered over and over whilst she cried.
“How can anyone be that mean?” she asked the skies, “someone must absolutely HATE me. I mean, first Harry, Hermione, and Ron… then back here with no friends… he can’t be gone… he can’t be gone…”s
“Who can’ b’gon’?” someone asked and a large shadow fell over Ginny.
“HAGRID!” she yelled and jumped up to hug him, tears still streaming down her face. Hagrid hugged her back, trying very hard not to squish the tiny girl.
“’Lo Ginny. ‘ou wanna com’ in?”he asked, opening the door to his hut. Ginny nodded, still trying to regain composure and control over herself and her cries.
“Whassamatter?” he asked her, already beginning to make tea.
“Everyone’s gone. The year’s barely started, and I’m already hating it,” Ginny sighed.
“’ating Hogwar’s?” Hagrid asked, “Nah, noone can REALLY ha’ Hogwar’s!” Hagrid didn’t believe her.
“But Ron’s gone, Hermione’s gone, and H-Harry’s gone… it’s lonely.” She protested.
“Sure, bu’ nex’ year ‘ey’d be gon’ an’ways,” he reasoned.
“But that’s not the same. Then, I’d know they’d be gone, and I’d know I’d see them again, over breaks and over the summer. Now I always know they’re gone, ‘cause I see Neville and everyone in their year. And Dumbledore’s gone… it’s all changed, and I’ve changed,” she finally admitted it, “and now I hve no friends.”
“Ginny…” he tried to sooth her, but now that her tears were back he knew there was nothing he could say, so he just gave her tea. She sat there, crying all day while Hagrid watched her sadly, having nothing to say to help her.
“Er, Ginny, ‘s time fo’ dinn’r,” he said softly, afraid of another sobbing outburst.
“Thank you, Hagrid. For listening,” she said, getting up. Hagrid escorted her to the Great Hall. He sat with the teachers, and she sat “with” the Gryffindors. While she sat with them, she didn’t participate in any conversations, only sullenly ate her food. She then went back to her common room. Classes tomorrow. At least that would keep her busy. She wouldn’t have to worry about people, and social stuff. Funny enough, it seemed the weekend would be the worst part of her week (while it always used to seem the best)
Just by him leaving, Harry had turned Ginny’s life around. “Thanks a lot, Harry,” she cursed him in her brain. Then, of course, she had to appologize and wish him luck on his journey. It wouldn’t do to have him die, he couldn’t come back to her then, but why did he ever have to leave? She sighed. Life was not going right.
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