I don't get it... I PMed like, two mods last week about moving Secret Love to the Finished Fan Fic section (well, two by accident really, meant to do one but I just wasn't thinking the second time), and it hasn't been moved.
This one-shot (which I love), was up like, for three days and it was moved a few hrs ago.
Why aren't the mods moving my F.F? I gave them the link and asked if they could, but NOOOOO they aren't. Just... I don't get why.
Anyways, I'm gonna post the next chapter cause I'm bored. I just thought of a totally cool Dramione one-shot that I wrote (it's my first attempt at being kinda 'sappy' as it's put... I'm not too good at it but heck, it's the best I've ever done actually).
Just posted it now (9:00pm by the time I edit this), and it'll be called 'A Love Lost Sa13+' (dunno why I felt like putting the rating there, but I did).
Anyways, next post=next chapter
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 10-31-2006 at 05:01 AM.