Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
Ok, well here you go, next chapter  Depending on how I feel... I might post the chapter after that.
Actually, I think I will cause it relates to Draco and Hermione... plus Harry slightly, I dunno, you'll have to find out Chapter 6
Dezi’s Discussion
Hermione stayed away from everyone after watching Harry’s row with Malfoy, the only person she talked to was Ginny. Harry was worried about Hermione’s withdrawal from everyone except for Ginny and Dezi, who was still watching her father from distance.
Draco was trying to figure out Hermione, she changed a lot since he was last around her. He was also trying to understand why Dezi’s eye colour kept changing, she seemed to come downstairs every morning with different-coloured eyes, always a normal eye colour, shades of brown, blue, green, and occasionally she’s come downstairs with her normal pale grey eyes, but that was only twice or three times. He knew his mudblood cousin was a Metamorphmagus, but he only saw her hair and on the rare occasion, her nose, change, but never her eyes. With knowing that, he wasn’t sure if Dezi was a Metamorphmagi or not.
When he sat down with a plate full of what he was about to have for a late dinner, he was automatically met with a cold expression from Harry. Draco ignored it and ate in silence. Halfway through his food, he heard the kitchen door open. Draco looked up and saw Hermione coming up to the kitchen table with Dezi following close behind, eyes a blue-grey colour. She sat down next to Harry and, suddenly, a plate of dinner appeared in front of her. She ate it in complete quietness.
“How’ve you been?” Harry asked slowly after a long, awkward silence.
As soon as he did, Hermione got up and left the room, plate empty. Dezi stayed behind, enjoying the meal before her. Draco went back to his food. He heard Harry mumble something about ‘just having to do it’.
“What was that, Potter?”
Dezi jumped out of the chair and ran out of the room, knowing what was going to happen next.
“You just had to do it, didn’t you Malfoy?”
“And what exactly did I do?” he said in a sarcastic way.
“Always putting you over others.”
“It’s what I do,” Draco responded mockingly.
“Can’t you at least care enough to help? You haven’t done anything around here, and once you were asked to, all this happened.”
“If you weren’t such a self-centred prat, you would notice it isn’t all my fault,” Draco retorted, smirking. With unnaturally fast speed, Draco dodged a long, sharp knife Harry flung at Draco.
“Those reflexes won against the Dark Lord?” Draco jeered as he stood up. Harry’s face flamed in anger as he got up from his chair.
“I thought you were forced into the life you lived the past four years,” Harry retorted as he pulled his wand out.
“Looks like someone’s been paying attention for once,” Draco responded as he pulled out his wand.
“For goodness sake, can’t you two go a moment without a row?!”
Draco and Harry looked at the door and saw Hermione’s angry and upset face.
She shook her head and left the room. Harry glared at Draco and left the kitchen. Draco heard Harry stomping up the stairs, and then some faint yelling. He left the kitchen and went outside where the Black Family Tree was. There was a spare bench and he sat down in it. He realized that this was the first time he ever let Harry actually get to him as he rested his face in his hands.
“Mommy mad.”
Draco looked up and saw Dezi standing at the door.
“Mad at you.”
Draco bit back his response.
“And da.”
Draco dropped his head on one of his hands, sighing when Dezi called Harry ‘da’.
“You mad?” she asked, quiet yet curious as to why Draco seemed slightly upset.
“Not exactly mad,” Draco responded, trying to sound calm for Dezi’s sake.
Draco slowly looked up at his daughter.
“Not exactly.”
“You feel anything?”
Draco chuckled.
“You confused?” Dezi asked.
“Are you confused?” Draco asked her. She appeared to be in thought.
“Kinda,” she finally responded. Her eyes changed suddenly from blue-grey to a Slytherin green.
“What are you confused about?”
Draco wasn’t completely surprised at her response.
“What about me confuses you?” he asked, slightly curious, even if he attempted to hide it.
“You not around before... now you here, cause bad things, confuse mommy. She lost in feelings or... someting... like tat,” Dezi responded, pausing momentarily on her words.
“Has she told you this?”
“I hear things,” she responded, smirking. It was uncanny how alike she was to him, Draco realized.
“Well... you’re smart enough to understand all of this,” Draco commented.
“Mommy says I get that from you as well as her.”
Draco chuckled again. He found it typical of Hermione to incorporate herself in something like intellect. Dezi still kept her distance from him, but Draco had a feeling he was starting to get closer to her than before.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 10-31-2006 at 02:04 AM.