Thread: Poetry
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Old 07-29-2003, 07:06 AM   #10 (permalink)
Courteney112389's Avatar
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There is an image of a man
And it’s planted in my mind
He has very uncommon features
He’s really one of a kind

If I had to draw him
I could do it perfectly
Every speckle and freckle
From his face, down to his knees

He has hair of fire
And eyes like the ocean
And he can never stay put
Always In motion

He can make anyone smile
He’s really quite the charmer
And could easily be any girl’s
‘Knight in Shining Armor’

But I don’t think of him that way
Just as an old friend
That I might have met
Just around the bend

And I that I just passed him
On a crowded street
And I have a feeling
That some time soon we will meet

Copyright ©2003

Last edited by Biochemkris; 10-21-2008 at 01:47 PM.
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