The Beach Boys ... w00t Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 13. Quidditch Harry watched as Ginny flew around the pitch passing the quaffle expertly, then getting it back then scoring against Ron. Which made him feel all kinds of funny. He wasn’t exactly happy that she’d scored against Ron, but he was very impressed at Ginny’s skills.
“He needs a little confidence doesn’t he?” Hermione said from where she was sitting next to Harry on the stands.
“Ron don’t … she’s faking left,” Harry said, and cringed as Ginny scored again.
“But you’ve got to love the way Ginny plays,” Hermione said.
“Yeah … you gotta love Ginny,” Harry said smiling shyly. With this one something different. While it referst to the subject it isn't mentioned per se in the story ... but the rules don't specify that do they? *shrugs*
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