GWFC/BWFC My <3 Twitchy Ears Hex! “So you like him?” Ginny sent to Hermione. “Yeah, I think I do” She wrote back, it was handy having two sets of two way diaries sometimes, especially in History of Magic. “Oh my god. I can’t believe it, I mean, you’re supposed to be the one with the brains!” Ginny scribbled back in reply. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” She replied quickly. “HELLO! It’s Malfoy we’re talking about here!” “I Do know that Ginny, it is my crush we’re on about here!” “Urgh, I’m sorry, but of all the people to fancy…Draco? Come on!” “I know, it’s mad but…I just do!” “Sounds like you have a taste for guys who pick on you Hermione!” “Yeah…I suppose.” Hermione sighed, but this didn’t seem to be noticed in the slumbering class taught by Professor Bins. “Ah well, so what class are you in anyway?” “Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s a boring one – all theory, we’re supposed to be learning about the twitchy ears hex.” “Sounds like it, I remember that lesson, and they’re dead easy. All you need to know is that they’re irritating.” “Yeah I got that, anyway, class is about to end see you later!”
”See you!”
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |