Thread: Harry Potter: Dreams - Sa13+
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Old 10-27-2006, 03:27 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Chapter 2

Harry pushed through the throng of Hogwarts students as he boarded the Hogwarts Express with Ron and Hermione. There was only a minute left until the train left Platform 9¾, and there were nearly no more compartments that had three extra seats for them. The got closer to the back end of the train and they found a compartment. There was only one person inside they couldn’t see the face of, but they opened the door farther anyways. The person had their face masked by the cover of a textbook (Hermione beamed when she saw this).
“Can we take a seat in here?” Hermione asked.
The book lowered and a girl faced them.
“Go ahead.” She smiled weakly.
The three pulled their things inside and dropped them by the window. Harry sat down, but Hermione and Ron went back to the compartment doors.
“Where’re you...?”
“Meeting,” Hermione and Ron responded together, cutting off Harry. He remembered they were still prefects and they left. When he turned his attention away from the compartment door, he noticed the girl was looking at him.
“Oh, I’m Harry... Harry Potter.”
“‘The chosen one’?” the girl responded, a hint of mockery in her soft, flowing voice. She sounded different, her accent never heard of to Harry.
“As the Ministry wishes to put it...” Harry mumbled. “So who’re you?”
“Dom... well Dominique Fraser really.”
“Where’re you from?”
“Why do you ask?” she asked, her tone going a bit dark.
“Well you sound American...”
“I’m Canadian,” she said with a touch of bitter irritation. “I just moved here in late-June.” Harry was taken aback by how she responded; he didn’t see why she was so touchy upon her nationality.
“What year are you in?”
“I’m going into 6th year.”
“I’ve never seen you around here before,” he commented casually.
“I’m a transfer.”
“Where from?”
Harry was silent after that. The girl, Dom, went back to her book. As she lowered her eyes, Harry noticed how dark blue they were. Her expression had changed from mildly happy to a normal-looking state, looking somewhat sad, her perfectly straight, auburn hair hanging beside her face. After a few moments, Harry’s mind clicked, he realized he saw this girl before.
The compartment door slid open. Ron and Hermione sat in seats next to Harry.
“So how was the meeting?” Harry asked.
“Same as last year,” Ron responded. “Waste of time really, hearing the same old junk...”
“Ronald!” Hermione snapped.
“And the Head students for this year and the new prefects,” Ron finished.
“You two are prefects?”
Ron, Hermione and Harry looked at Dom. Ron nodded as if it was obvious.
“Yes, we are,” Hermione responded simply.
Dom didn’t respond, she just went back to her book. Harry, Ron and Hermione chatted away for the rest of the train ride. When the train lurched to a stop, they all left the compartment with their things, Dom still gathering her bags. Harry, Ron and Hermione found a carriage and joined Neville, Ginny and Luna. The thestrals took off a moment later.
“I’ve seen that girl before!” Harry said as soon as the carriage was in the air.
“When did you see her before?” Hermione asked, sounding doubtful.
Harry didn’t even notice the looks of confusion on Ginny and Neville’s face. Luna wasn’t paying attention; she was reading her upside-down edition of The Quibbler with special glasses that came with the magazine, which in everyone’s opinion (except for Ginny), thought made her look even loonier than she is.
“In... in my dreams,” Harry responded slowly.
“What’re you talking about? You’ve been having those vision dreams again? Why didn’t you say something?” Ron demanded.
“I’ve continually had these dreams where I walk through a dark hallway and look through a window, and inside is this girl that seems to give off the impression she’s given up on life,” Harry explained. “The girl I keep seeing in my dreams looks exactly like Dom.”
“The girl we were in the compartment with...”
“She sounds different, where’s she from?” Ron asked, changing the subject.
“Canada,” Harry responded. She sure made that clear.
“So what year is she in anyways? Did you happen to find that out while we were gone?”
“Don’t try to dodge the question of why you haven’t said anything,” Hermione cut into Harry and Ron’s budding discussion.
“Because if I said anything, you guys would probably say it’s just like any other dream, how it doesn’t really matter and it won’t happen,” Harry responded simply. “Like last time. I didn’t want to go through with Occlumecy lessons again because of ‘just some dream’.”
Ron sniggered. Hermione elbowed him sharply in the stomach, causing him to double over momentarily. The thestrals jerked to a stop in front of Hogwarts Castle.
“Well it looks like we’re home,” Ginny said.
“Yeah, home,” Harry mumbled.

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