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Old 10-26-2006, 03:54 PM   #3 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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First Year

Breaking Charm!

Hermione had never understood Quidditch. Why anyone would enjoy flying about throwing a ball about, while having other balls hit at you? It was completely beyond her. However, what was not beyond Hermione, the idea of supporting your best friends in the sport they loved. So, that was why, she was stood, waving around a gold and scarlet banner and shouting her head off in support.
Luna was stood next to her, equally as noisy, only possibly louder aided by her famous lion hat that seemed to be suffering from something to become even louder than it already was. Suddenly, in what didn’t seem to be one of Luna’s funny moments as Hermione preferred to call her random outbursts of hilarity, Luna gasped in horror.
“Hermione!” Luna grabbed onto her sleeve and tugged forcefully, “Look!”
Hermione did as she was told; the terror in Luna’s voice was genuine. “Oh, my gosh…” She muttered, terrified. Draco was speeding too fast after the snitch, headed towards the stands, he couldn’t stop in time. He probably hadn’t even noticed. Every one was silent. Hermione had whipped out her wand and was uttering a breaking charm as fast as she could.
She’d saved him.
Graphics made by: Thumper

Zoe loves Imi the most!
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