Thread: Harry Potter: Dreams - Sa13+
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Old 10-22-2006, 06:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Smile Dreams - Sa13+

This is my 2nd F.F. It might not start out with any form of love, it takes a bit to get into it. Enjoy the story

Summary (yeah, it's long ):
It's Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts (plot line of HBP omitted in this F.F). He just won the battle in the Department of Mysteries, and all of his vision-like dreams gone, or so he thinks. It all started on the night of August 15th, he dreamt he was walking down a dark hallway, and up ahead of him, light starts to illuminate the hall ahead. These dreams take him farther each night until he looks through the window, and inside is a girl. She's locked inside, looking lost, sullen, and seems to have given up on all life. Harry wants to find and help this girl he keeps dreaming about, but he hasn't any idea where to start. But on the train-ride to Hogwarts, he, Ron and Hermione take a seat in a compartment with a girl they never met before. She has deep, sapphire eyes, a sullen expression (even when she smiles), and perfectly straight auburn hair. She is in 6th year as well, but a transfer from Durmstrang. Harry has realized that this is the girl he kept having dreams about, but he doens't understand how she could be locked in a small room with nothing inside. He wants to help her, but how can he help her if he doesn't know what he's supposed to help her with?

Chapter 1
The Dream

The dark shadows of the hall engulfed me. I walked down them as though I knew where I was going; I didn’t run into a thing. The farther I went down, the lighter it seemed to get. I reached my hand out and grabbed a ledge. It took me by surprise, but I pulled myself to it and looked over it, looking through a window. Inside the room was a girl. The life in her sapphire blue eyes was gone, her expression sullen. I thought she was dead, but she shifted against the wall. She looked like she didn’t care anymore, not taking notice to her plain surroundings. She didn’t see my eyes watching her, looking around in a morose way. I noticed she kept looking to the far right hopefully. It took me a few moments to realize there was a cut in the wall, almost like a door. It was hard to tell for it was so dark, no light illuminating the three cracks in the wall. Suddenly, a light seemed to flow into the room and straight into my eyes...
Panting and sweating, Harry jolted upright in his bed. He nearly knocked the candle out of Hermione’s hand.
“Good, you’re up,” she said, setting the candle down.
Harry squinted, the light from the window blinding him and he couldn’t see much without his glasses. He wiped the sweat off his forehead.
“Are you alright?” Hermione asked, noticing the beads of sweat that gleamed on Harry’s face.
“Yeah,” he managed to get out between deep breaths. “Just another dream...” He reached behind him and picked up his glasses and put them on. Hermione cast a worried expression, and headed for the bedroom door.
“And get your trunk together! We’re leaving for King’s Cross in two hours. Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs,” Hermione said as she closed the door. Harry looked to his right and saw Ron still fast asleep.
Stretching, Harry got out of bed and dressed. Once he was fully dressed, he shook Ron awake.
“Blimey...” Ron mumbled as he shifted to get up. “What time is it?”
Harry looked at his watch.
“A few minutes before nine,” Harry responded. He left Ron when he knew his friend wasn’t going to fall back asleep and went to get some breakfast.
“Did you sleep well, Harry?” Mrs. Weasley asked as she scurried around the kitchen.
“Could’ve been better...”
“Have another bad dream?” she asked automatically. She was aware of Harry’s odd dreams lately.
“It’s not that it’s bad...”
Ron stumbled down the stairs, nearly rolling down the last flight. He caught his balance on the floor and joined Harry and Ginny at the table. He started filling his plate automatically without second thought, making it overflow at one point.
“That’s enough, Ronald!” Mrs. Weasley snapped when she saw his breakfast rolling off of his plate. He gulfed down everything along with Harry and Ginny, and together they left the table to go and finish packing for their trip back to Hogwarts.
As Ron was rambling about how he would punish Crabbe and Goyle throughout the year, Harry let in one ear and out the other. He couldn’t get the dream out of his head. For the past couple weeks he’s been having similar dreams, going down a hallway and looking into a room with the same girl. She always appeared sad, confused, lost, in need of help. Harry hadn’t had dreams like this since the year before about the Department of Mysteries, and that worried him, since that came true. He truly wanted to help this girl he kept dreaming about, but he didn’t know who or where she was.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
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