Hey everyone!
About Christmas 2002, for no reason whatsoever, I started writing poetry. Totally random. Most of it is how I feel about my boyfriend (now ex0boyfriend) and stuff, so if you're a romantic, come on down!
Here's one of my favorites, a pretty early one too, but still good: Almost Over
It's been awhile
Since you hugged me
Or told me you loved me
So I wonder
Is it almost over?
I start to believe it
In my brain
But not in my heart
So I hold on
Though it's probably almost over.
But all it takes
Is that one
"I love you", or
A brush of your hand on mine,
Or even your frustration when
I'm upset,
And very hard to cheer up
And I know it's there
Strong as ever
And it's not going away anytime soon
Well, tell me what you think! I'll post some more poems after people read this one a bit