Professor Virohsa frowned at how inmature Lainey was acting.. or perhaps that was a cover aimed at getting people's defenses down. "We could always send the book away, destroy it, and have it be known that it is no longer with us", she said briskly. "Or we could hold a big ceremony, which would give the pretense the book was unattended and bring him out", she added. Granted, the later would be a bit more dangerous than the former
The cat jumped off, but Andi barely noticed as the Herbology professor spoke. "Actually, the latter seems to be quite a good idea," she said. "Suppose we pretended we were going to destroy the book in a ceremony, just the professors, in the Great Hall. Then perhaps we could bring him out of hiding, without hurting any of the students in the process, or destroying the book." She rubbed her forhead.