IndyEddie Hazelle watched the exchange between Lainey and the Charms professor. Both had valid points. She stood, "Why does everyone assume that by destroying the book we destroy the threat? Who's to say Voldemortist would actually believe we'd destroy the book? That could just cause him to rise up and attack the school full force, either assuming we still have it, or in hopes of catching us before it's destroyed." She had spoken aloud, hesitant at first, but growing confidance. "Do I want the students injured? No. Do I want to fob off on other people and cause them to be hurt or worse? No. Do I think the book should be destroyed? No." She turned to look around the room, "My first responsibility is not to this school. It's to the students and their families. If we pass the book off and several of the students famlies have sudden deaths, we will get the blame, because instead of keeping the book safe and hidden, we let it leave and possibly fall into the wrong hands. I read the Daily Prophet article in Diagon Alley, every thing was the Headmistress' and Professor Branxton's fault." She turned to Lainey, "Professor, I do have confidence in your abilities, I do, but how do you know that Voldemortist wouldn't hurt the children? He's already done that several times, and had no qualms about killing them before." She turned to the Charms professor, "Professor, you are thinking about just being a professor, which is fine, that is your job. She was an auror and training does not die easily. She is thinking how she should think. There is no need for yelling. That may impress the students, but it gives me a headache." She looked at Virosha, who seemed more paranoid than everyone else, "The want of a book is not always evil, some people would just want the knowledge just for the sake of it. Surely you wouldn't accuse me of being evil for simply wanting to have a book I could learn from. Besides, how can you say he 'wouldn't dare show up' if we were to destroy the book? Unless you've spoken with him on the matter?" She turned back to the Headmistress, "Why are we deciding about the book anyway? Shouldn't that be a ministry decision?" She asked as she sat back down.
We'll always be together cuz we're both under the moon |