She moved and sat down without a word, until one of the staff broke the silence. "This looks like a meeting of a secret society."
Iulianna laughed out loud and gave the other professor a large smile. "Haha, yes I suppose we do!"
A laugh made Andi almost jump in her chair, it was so incongruous. She turned, sinking back into her seat when she found that it was just Professor Light - a perky, peppy little woman. Andi gave her a slight smile, and turned to face Rae again.
Rae swept into the staff room and eyed those who were there. "I suppose this will have to suffice, although I was hoping for a better turn out." She plopped into a chair at the long table. It wasn't comfortable, but it ensured that she was able to see and be seen. "I hope to keep this relatively short and sweet."
Andi remembered Rave's letter, the letter her sister had hired a Slytherin thug to retrieve, and her jaw tightened. "Does this have anything to do with... Voldemortist, again?" she asked.