Drabble #93. Chicken
Title: Stabbing Pastries
Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom
Year:Fifth Ginny
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Genre: General
Ginny munched on her chicken silently not talking to either of the loved ones she’d mentioned before. She looked sideways smiling at Harry who seemed not to notice her.
“Stupid boy.” She muttered stabbing her fork into Neville’s pastry not thinking as she stared at Harry and beside her Neville looked rather frightened at the way she seemed to be murdering his pastry.
“Ginny if you want some you should just ask.” He said gulping slightly as he looked at the red head..
“Sorry Neville, no pastry for me.” She said getting up and storming off leaving her plate full.
ETA: The dude in the picture is Neville not Harry