Kitty Momma Rachel's Brain Twin One of the school’s barn owls -a pasty-grey one- rapped upon the Headmistress’ closed window with one of its clawed feet, carrying a letter which was firmly held within its beak. Headmistress Rae –important! could be seen on the face of it. When read, the letter would read as such: Dear Headmistress Rae, I have been informed of a strange message written upon the door of my cabin by one of the students. The message in question which reads, “Out here, all alone. Gee, could anyone hear you if you screamed?” Is both of a disturbing and threatening nature. Not only that, but I have also stumbled upon another of these messages scrawled upon one of the outer-walls of the Grounds which reads: “In and Out. I'm always in and out. Can't stop me from getting in. Can't stop me from leaving.” I fear that these messages may somehow be linked to the culprit of the recent attacks within the halls. Is there anything you would advise me to do to ensure that the Grounds are more secure and safe in the event these messages hold more meaning than they are letting on? -Salem Thorn
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