"Mine! Mine! Mine!"
"But I want it Daddy, please!" A young girl was crying while in Diagon Alley. Her and her father were standing outside of on of the shops looking at cauldrons.
"Your list says that you need a standard pewter size 2 cauldron, not a solid gold one." Her father replied. "Besides," he tried to reason with her, "how would it look if your cauldron melted becuase your fire was too hot, gold melts much easier than pewter."
"I don't care!" The girl shreaked, "I want it, it's pretty!"
"What a spoiled little br-" "Oh come on Hermione," Harry interrupted her, "didn't you ever want something that bad?"
"No" She replied angrily, "kids these days, all they every think about is 'mine, mine mine, and me, me, me."