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Old 10-11-2006, 01:26 AM   #10 (permalink)

SS's Minister of Magic
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#7—Care of Magical Creatures

“My son was mauled by a hippogriff and you expect me to calm down? I’ll have the thing beheaded!”

“Lucius, it could have been an accident and the cut wasn’t that bad—”

“I can’t believe they let that incompetent half-breed teach children. This is all Dumbledore’s doing, that filthy muggle lover. He has a soft spot for ineptitude. I’ll have that giant’s job and the hippogriff’s head for this.”

“What happened to our normal Care of Magical Creatures class? They used to be fairly interesting.”

“Dumbledore happened, Narcissa. We just weren’t there long enough to feel his mudblood-loving effects.”
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