Sara walked in with everything about her askew: her clothes, her hair, even her mouth which had a slight tilted frown to it at the moment. You could slightly hear her grumbling under her breath...something about mornings or something. She had her bag on her shoulder and you could just see a bright red hairbrush sticking out from under the flap. She sat down next to Patrick and threw her bag on the ground under the table. She quickly grabbed for the brush and brushed her hair. Then screwing her face up she changed her hair to a deep red and her eyes became bright purple. Then, she took her wand out and waved it in a circular motion in front of her face muttering a quick spell to put her make-up on perfectly. She took out a mirror and held it in front of her. She looked fine, at the moment though she SO didn't care! She stood up fixing her clothes then sat back down, grumbling some more.
She looked to Patrick looked like she was going to say something then stopped, quickly closing her mouth shut. She started thinking about the letter from her mother then stopped. You know what, she thought, I'm not going to waste my time thinking about her and her fiancee. I'm going to think about my schoolwork. That way I can become an Auror and get away from that awful woman with that awful man!
She looked to the board and read the instructions. Huh...there was something to think about. She turned her mind to the task at hand.