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Old 09-29-2006, 04:46 PM   #1 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Smile Trouble Never Ends - Sa16+
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Hey, this is my first fanfic so don't be too harsh! Anyway, it's about when everyone is older and stuff so... Here it is:

Chapter One

Fred Weasly rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. His wife Taylor was sitting at her dressing table. She was brushing her long auburn hair.
“’Morning,” said Fred.
“Good morning,” she replied, “Did you sleep well?”
“Your brother called,”
“Yes,” she said softly, “He’s coming over; he sounded like he really needed to talk to you.”
“Can’t he just wait until work tomorrow? Today was supposed to be our day alone together.” He said.
“Well, it sounded urgent,” Taylor replied, “And… well, I thought since he was coming over with his wife, maybe I should invite Harry and Ginny, and Ron and Hermione, so… well, er- I did.” She bit her lip.
Fred swung his legs out of bed and walked over to the dressing table. He leaned his chin on Taylor’s soft hair. She turned around slowly and pulled Fred towards her. She kissed him and all his thoughts went away. He wished it would never end; everything that had troubled him in the entire wizarding world went away in the blink of an eye. He was content that it would never end when Taylor broke away.
“I miss you,” she whispered.
“What are you talking about? I’m right here.” He said reaching for her again.
“No, Fred,” she said, softer still, “the old you, the you that didn’t care about the rules. The you that started that weird joke shop that’s still running to this day.” She sighed, “The you I fell in love with.”
“Well, I could have been the old me today but someone invited people over on our last day alone together.” Fred said.
“Oh, you know George,” Taylor replied, “he would’ve turned up anyway.”
The reason they only had one more day alone together was because their kids were coming home from Hogwarts the following day. Their kids were Lena, who was in her second year and Sam in his first.
Just then the doorbell rang all through the house.
“That,” she said, “is George, I’ll go let them in- and you get dressed, it’s almost 11:00.”
She gave him one last kiss and swept silently from the room. He brushed his brilliant fire-red hair out of his eyes and went to get dressed. Taylor had just reached the bottom of the stairs, when the doorbell rang again.
She opened the door at once to see George and Chereen Weasly standing there.
“Hello,” said Taylor, “Fred’s just upstairs changing.”
“Thanks, Taylor,” said George, “I really must talk to him.”
“Your like Fred,” she nodded with a small smile, “You’ve changed so much since school- Oh, yes, come in.”
As they walked in Taylor looked out the door only to find Harry and Ginny Potter walking towards the door; Ron and Hermione Weasly closely behind them.
“Hey!” Taylor called and she immediately let them in, “There’s food in the kitchen, go ahead in, George and Chereen are in there.”
“Thank you,” said Ron, “I’m starving.”
Taylor suppressed a giggle. He hadn’t changed a bit. She walked into the kitchen where everyone was talking.
“Hey,” said Harry, “Good thing we came today, the kids are coming home tomorrow,”
“Oh, stop,” said Ginny, and they all laughed.
Harry and Ginny had one girl named Elizabeth who was best friends with Lena. George and Chereen had no kids of their own, but they’d adopted a muggle, in hopes of it being a wizard. Ron and Hermione had four kids; Ronald Weasly II, John, Mary, and Patrick. All of the kids were in school except Patrick who was six.
“Hey, Taylor,” said Ron, “Got any chicken?”
“Oh, stop!” pestered Hermione.
“No, it’s okay, there’s some in the fridge I’ll heat up.” Taylor laughed, she had missed them all.
“Hey,” said George, “Where’s Fred?”
“He’s should be coming- he’s getting dressed.” For some reason Taylor noticed how quiet Chereen had been.
Just then, Fred walked into the kitchen.
“OK,” he said, “I’m here, what do you want George?”
“Well,” said George, “Um, Draco Malfoy’s escaped Azkaban.”
“So?” said Ron. “Always knew he would… too much like his father.”
“Ah, but wait there just a minute, young Ronald, dear brother of mine. OK, this is serious. He’s escaped and I think he’s finding a way of somehow taking the position of Volde- You-Know-Who- Oh forget it, I think he’s finding a way to take Voldemort’s place.”
“Oh,” whispered Ginny.
“Yeah,” said George, “And they need us four,” he looked around at Fred, Harry, Ron, “to go after him. And they said that we probably wouldn’t be coming back.” He finished abruptly.
The kitchen suddenly got very quiet. All the men were silent with thought and the women looked as if they had no thought at all. Fred looked around at Taylor who looked like she still didn’t quite understand what was going on. Suddenly she looked up at Fred and couldn’t hold it in. And she cried. Silent tears.
She was losing her Fred all because of a stupid former Death Eater of Voldemort she’d had a crush on in school. What now? How could this happen?
Well, I know it's kind of long but well you know, I just got really into the story. Soo... I'll post soon- maybe tomorrow because I've got all weekend! Hope you liked it and thanks for reading!

Successive chapters:

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?

Last edited by evlpez; 05-16-2007 at 04:04 PM.
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