The love is still funny ... Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 10. : Nascent Love – The Living Room of the Burrow one summer’s evening
“Arithmancy, that’s magical math,” Ottery said.
“Like you’d know anything about it,” Ron remarked grinning, the dark haired boy threw his hat at him.
Ginny giggled.
“It’s what Ottery needs to help him with his math homework,” Harry added laughing. Surprised, Ginny couldn’t but laugh.
It had been lonely around. Ron and the twins gone to Hogwarts. Summer now Harry had come to visit. Ginny blushed most of the time or ran from the room when he was there. He was so cute in person, so sweet, but she couldn’t talk or fight the impulse to flee when he smiled.