Luna Lovegood in Some Like it Hot Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 41. : From the journal of Luna Lovegood - Love’s Lane No. 25 the Lovegood Household Thestrals haunt my dreams.
Rather they haunted my nights as a child. Soon after mother died, after I had gone to Hogwarts. They scared me. I tried telling others but they thought I was mental and they started calling me Loony.
I don’t mind it so much now, but then …
It was spiteful, but you learn to deal with life’s cruelties. Mother always said to be true, to myself. And I try to be with everyone else as well. But truth is a fickle thing; it changes in everyone’s mouths.
Luna put the quill down, blew out the candle.