Is this what love is,
these bruises on my face?
Is this where home is,
please get me out of this place.
Are you my hero,
a loving knight upon his steed.
Or one big zero,
will I ever fill this need.
You say you love me,
you throw me to the floor.
You push and shove me,
if I could just get to the door.
You scream and hit me,
where did I go wrong?
If you'd just quit, please,
I thought you loved me for so long.
You stop and shiver,
like you always tend to do.
Your lip, it quivers,
your eyes, they fill with dew.
You walk towards me,
arms stretched open wide.
Your words, recorded
forever in my mind.
"Don't leave, I'd miss you,
I don't know what I've done."
I sigh and kiss you,
and once again, you've won.
© Jen Sellers/ronweasleylover
__________________  Graphics made by: Becky |