#44- Stupefy Draco's Director Dramione=OTP Fifty Points Well Earned
Pansy nodded as Umbridge gave her orders to check the girls’ bathroom. She ran swiftly through the halls, and into the restrooms. She smirked at their yells. “Stupefy!” she yelled, then repeating herself, hitting each girl in turn. She gathered their wands, with they had dropped before they were hit, locked the door, and went to go find others.
An hour later, after things had calmed down a bit, Pansy went to Umbridge’s office. She knocked twice and entered. Professor Umbridge smiled slightly, and gestured for Pansy to help herself to tea. “Yes, dear?”
“I found five girls hiding in the bathroom. They’re locked into the bathroom on the seventh floor. Here are their wands.” Pansy handed Umbridge the wands and grinned at the points she was sure to get for this.
“Excellent! I’ll go get them now… Fifty points to Slytherin!” Umbridge declared, bustling out of her overly-girly office. Pansy’s grin widened as she raced back down to the common room to tell Draco. |