Thread: Poetry: Cmg Poems
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Old 07-26-2003, 10:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
Fire Slug
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 151
Default Cmg Poems

I right what a feel and a lot of people dont get my poetry. I have 2. I dont have name 4 them

staring into souless eyes
but cant find
helpless, but is fine on the outside
inside she see's birdless flight and poisness chaoclate
darkness looks inside without everyone, but see's everything
her thoughts are full, but heart is empty
wishing for thing never to come because she's done

my hero, protector,creator
for he is always going to be
be in my eye's, soul, body
watching the world fall apart
in frount of his eye's, wondering if he created a monster
destroying the world
wondering if thing could be different
Hating me, destroying me,helping me
harder to go because
im lost in a world with no roads

what do u think
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