Whistle while you work children ... *whistles* Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 70. : Do not add water - Barnaby Ruddles Pet Shoppe
“Dear God in heaven,” Ole Barnaby was Catholic. “Peter what happened?”
“You see Mr. Barnaby,” I was trying to reply but the old guy’s turning all kinds of puce … it’s an icky color, looks as bad as it sounds.
So here I was stupid wizard boy straight out of school and I get a cushy muggle job at a shop. I decide to start selling Pygmypuffs to the kiddies, well … seems you dip ‘em in water and they multiply.
“Shop … teeming … with … with tribbles?”
I got to keep the job, lucky me Barn’s a Trekkie.
------------------------------------------------- AN: Wherein Ottery experiments with point of view and cheats a little. |