Rupert = *swoon* "You know I'm right..." #3 Transfiguration Harry was in a spare classroom with Ginny as she worked on her transfiguration homework. “Harry I can’t do this,” she said trying the spell one more time, but the water goblet only turned into half a hamster. “Here let me help you,” he said. “One your doing the wand movement all wrong.” He said and showed her how to move the wand. He did an example for her. “Ok I got it,” she said and tried the spell and the goblet turned to a nice brown hamster. Harry felt so proud being a little smarter then Ginny at times.
__________________ Against the grain should be a way of life ;Klaudette Genevra Oddkoule: Slytherin's oddball is back;  RGFC;Tigger lovers her Pickles;PICKLEPIE <33 THE WAL'R'US;TFFC ♥ Siggy by the totally SPANKERS Lissy! ♥ |