Rupert = *swoon* "You know I'm right..." #7 Care of Magical Creatures Harry had been working on an assignment for Care of Magical Creatures. He felt warm lips kiss him. He looked up and there was Ginny “Hello Sweets” he said as she took a seat. “Hey, What you working on?” she asked him looking at his parchment. “Care of Magical Creatures homework it’s hard,” he stated. “Let me see,” she said taking the work. “This is so easy” she said scribbling the answers to the questions. ”There done,” she said handing it back with a smile. Harry never liked when she did that too him. It made him look so stupid.
__________________ Against the grain should be a way of life ;Klaudette Genevra Oddkoule: Slytherin's oddball is back;  RGFC;Tigger lovers her Pickles;PICKLEPIE <33 THE WAL'R'US;TFFC ♥ Siggy by the totally SPANKERS Lissy! ♥ |