Waddiwasi Hermione was working silently in the library, extracting useful information for a History of Magic essay due in a few days.
Her peacefulness was to be broken, however, the moment Draco Malfoy strode into the vicinity. She paid no attention to him but continued flipping frantically through the books as if the world was ending soon.
Draco, chewing his gum, slammed down a few books and sat down across from where Hermione worked.
She looked up at the loud noise, then glared at her enemy and went back to work. He’d made her forget what page she was trying to flip to.
He absentmindedly turned pages. His jaw moved up and down at an alarming pace, snapping and making every possible noise unsuitable for a library setting.
“Stop it,” Hermione commanded.
“What?” he asked innocently.
“You know what. Stop or I’ll remove your gum from your mouth in ways you could not fathom.”
Snorting, he continued to noisily gnaw.
Hermione had had it with this Slytherin. “Waddiwasi!” She cried and his gum shot out from his mouth, splatting all over his face.
Draco glowered at her through his mask of gum.
She gave him a superior look. “Told you so.”
__________________ White shores are calling... You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. We are proud to fight alongside men once more. ...You and I will meet again I <3 you, all my SS friends. Namarie! |