Rupert = *swoon* "You know I'm right..." #34 Parseltongue It was the day after the dueling club and now everyone new Harry could speak Parseltounge. He was trying to sleep but he couldn’t so he went downstairs to the Commons. Harry sat on the couch then, he heard someone come from behind him and say it was Ginny. “Hey,” he said thinking she would act like everyone else and run because he could talk to snakes. She sat down in front of him “Hey Harry, How are you?” She asked. Harry was confused “You’re not scared of me because I can talk to snakes?” “No silly,” she added smiling
__________________ Against the grain should be a way of life ;Klaudette Genevra Oddkoule: Slytherin's oddball is back;  RGFC;Tigger lovers her Pickles;PICKLEPIE <33 THE WAL'R'US;TFFC ♥ Siggy by the totally SPANKERS Lissy! ♥
Last edited by pgspickles; 09-22-2006 at 02:28 AM.