Who knows what the future may bring? Professor Trelawney Duh!!! Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 91. : Wow, or if tomorrow ever comes-The willow by the old country lane leading from Ottery St.
Ottery had just said something ponderously epic about the future leaving everyone with jaws open, wondering, in uncertain pause.
Ron leaned against the old willow, blushing as he sneaked a glance at Hermione who watched the moonlight dancing through the trees. Harry looked up the country lane leading to the burrow, wondering about home. Ginny looked away from Harry, thinking it silly to still think those things. Neville’s face furrowed deep in thought, Luna the only one who looked as if she had missed what was said, while Cedric stood there watching them.
The dark haired boy shrugged, “Just kidding.”