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Old 09-11-2006, 12:56 AM   #4 (permalink)
Pigwidgeon Took
Swedish Short-Snout
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Drabble 3: #8 Potions

Gred and Forge were already in Snapes Potion class, stirring up their potion, when a fit of suppressed laughter was heard behind them. Merry and Pippin were the ones behind it, and grinning mischievously. They were mixing their own potion, just like class was supposed to, however their potion was unique, it had a slight Middle-Earthian influence, which meant, in short, that it was highly explosive. The troublemakers, all 4 of them, ducked out of the way as the hobbit’s potion exploded in a big dragon-shaped fireball and headed straight towards Snape, who fainted, while the class erupted in laughter.
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