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Old 09-10-2006, 08:00 PM   #75 (permalink)
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NEVIILE – WAIT!” screamed Ginny, but it was no use. Neville Longbottom was running, head-long, towards Bellatrix Lestrange – his wand poised, beads of sweat dripping from his brow onto his cheeks, which he rubbed away quickly with his sleeve.

“Oh no, this can’t be good!” muttered Ron, while still holding onto the small little girl who he had finally managed to calm down.

She was whimpering quietly in his arms, and he felt in that moment, so proud of himself. He had never really thought much about children before – why would he? He is only sixteen, but he felt thankful that this child now looked to him as a form of protection, a friend. As he stood up, the girl clung onto his tall lanky leg, and he had to usher her with ease. Un-wrapping her deathly gripped small fingers off of him, as he managed to walk her over to a small chair at the back of the main hall. “Stay here, by the tall curtain, make sure you are not seen.” He whispered to her, and she nodded; as she did he rubbed the top of her head with his hand, ruffling her soft blond hair, in reassurance.

He then pulled out his wand, and ran down towards Harry, who was already heading for the door with the rest of the D.A.; to go in search of Neville Longbottom, before he got himself killed by, Bellatrix Lestrange.


Running with fast pace and erratic beating hearts, the group managed to catch up with Neville. The thing was however, Neville was on the floor, rage covering his face as his hands were clamped tight around Bellatrix Lestrange’s throat. She was trying to kick him off, while desperately attempting to breathe for air.

The look upon their faces was one of shock. It was the last thing they expected to see as they turned the corner, because silly as it may seem to them now, they had feared for Neville’s life!

Hermione started to walk forward, but Ron stopped her. “Looks to me Neville is doing alright on his own.” he muttered quietly.

“He’s going to kill her.” she replied, her eyes wide.

“Good!” spat Harry, as he stood there and watched Neville, with his purple contorted face swelling with pure hatred for this mad evil witch who was still adamantly fighting for her life - Desperately trying to breathe!

“I can’t watch this.” said Hermione, as she turned away. Ginny was crying, seeing Neville like this was heart rendering, for it was not the Neville she knew, and it scared her.

“Neville, please stop It.” she finally said through her sobs, but he didn’t listen. “NEVILLE, PLEASE.” she begged, but still, he carried on, lifting and then slamming the woman’s head down onto the hard stone floor.

Ginny didn’t have to think anymore, she ran over and jumped onto his back, trying to hold him away from her. Harry couldn’t let it continue now, not now Ginny was in the firing line and could easily get hurt. But before he could do anything, Ron had also leapt forward with force and pushed Ginny away as he grabbed Neville by the chest and with all of his strength, tried to get him off of the half-dead Bellatrix. Whose eyes were bloodshot and bulging from the pressure, where Neville had held tightly, squeezing with his entire force; engulfed in the hatred that was now profusely pouring out of his hot and sweating palms, onto her scrawny thin neck.

The rest of the Order jumped in and held Neville off of the Deatheater, who lay there, drained, while striving with the life-force she had left, to take in enormous gasps of air.

Ginny was sobbing loudly, and Luna pulled her into a warm embrace. Even Luna looked at Neville in disbelief – this was so unlike him. She had never seen hate empower someone so fiercely. Not even Harry.

Neville was still being held down by the D.A. Mainly - Justin, Zach, Harry, Ron, Dean and Seamus had the upper hand, due to having the extra body strength; more so than the young ladies of the group.

Neville was breathing very heavily, his face still purple but a lighter shade as he was trying to re-gain his self-control. “Nev.” said Harry, crouching down and staring him directly in the face. “Nev.” he repeated, as Neville was still staring at the woman. “NEVILLE!”

“Is she dead?” Neville replied quietly, and Harry noticed a dark shadow glaze across his hazel eyes. “Nearly.” Harry replied “She is still alive but only just!”

All of a sudden, Neville started convulsing violently. It was so unexpected, that the group holding him down jumped back. Harry, however, continued to seize hold of him with his entire body weight and Ron quickly jumped in once more to help. “Harry, what’s wrong with him?” asked Ron, frantically. But Harry didn’t understand what was going on either, but he held him tight in his arms, and as he did, the shaking subsided slowly, but Neville’s eyes continued to change. The shadows seemed to be fogging over his pupils, and then clearing the way to cover his retina.

Harry let go immediately and grabbed Ron by the arm and pulled him back. “MOVE!” he yelled, as he and Ron both fell back onto the floor a few feet away from the now deathly pale and still as stone, Neville.

Luna and Hermione went running over to them, as Harry and Ron stood up quickly.

“Get out!” spat Harry, at once.

“What?” asked Seamus, looking mightily confused! But Ron told him to “shhh” as Harry wasn’t talking to any member of the D.A. He was looking into the now burning red eyes of Neville Longbottom, and talking to someone else. That someone was highly gifted in the art of Legilimens; Harry reminded everyone that it wasn’t Neville laying there now; It was Harry’s worst nightmare coming true – another friend was in jeopardy, due to the evil mastermind of, Lord Voldemort.
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