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Old 09-10-2006, 07:47 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Part 3

“Harry, Harry. Are you alright?” asked Hermione, as Harry had got up from the Gryffindor House Table and staggered slightly, unbalancing him, all the while holding his stomach.

“Something’s wrong!” said Harry. “I can feel it, I…. I think Karis and the Order might be in trouble.” He looked to his friends, whose faces had all immediately fallen in bewilderment.

“What? I mean, how do you know?” asked Luna, while approaching Harry and holding tightly on to his arm. She stroked his head, and as her fingers brushed lightly over his lightning bolt scar, she felt a small tingle in her stomach too.

“I just don’t feel right, I get this sometimes, this dread in the pit of my stomach. It’s like I know when something is going to go wrong. I can’t explain it.” He whispered back, as a few looks were being shot their way by other students.

“Come on, Lets go get our robes.” ordered Hermione, and without another thought, the Gryffindor DA members abruptly left their seats.

Luna managed to catch Cho’s eye contact and gestured with a shake of her head for her to come over.

Cho frowned in concern and herself and Marietta both left their seats, Zacharias followed.

Ron waved over to Justin, who also approached them.

Gradually, all of the Dumbledore Army members congregated together in the isle gangway of the Gryffindor house table.

By this point, total silence inflicted itself throughout the entire Great Hall, as every other student in the school watched them, many exchanging confused questioning looks, while some started to whisper to each other, wondering what was going on.

“Robes.” whispered Hermione. “Now!”

Justin sighed. “If I must! But I warn you, if it gets out of hand, I’m running away!” he whispered. “I refuse to die again!”

Harry stood tall. “Justin, we need you, you are apart of the DA and the prophecy that we fulfilled – together we are stronger, divided…” Harry cleared his throat. “Well, I just don’t want to think about it.”

“Well what are we waiting for!” said Neville. “Let’s go help our friends.”

Luna raised her eyebrows, and Ron threw Neville a warm smile. “Nev’s right Harry, if there is something wrong, we should..” but Ron trailed off, as a loud scream echoed throughout the walls of the school.

Ron looked at Harry, frantic, as Luna suddenly pulled out her wand from behind her ear. “I don’t think there is any time for robes!” she muttered softly.

“STICK TOGETHER!” Harry commanded with alarm.

He then turned to the other students, many who had jumped up from their seats. Harry held his hands up. “EVERYONE, CALM DOWN!” he shouted.

Many students stopped and stared at him. Harry was surprised that they actually listened.

“THE PROFESSORS ARE NOT HERE, THEY ARE HELPING DRACO MALFOY. HE IS BEING OBTAINED MY LORD VOLDEMORT!” shouted Harry, many gasps and cries were vibrating across the large hall, and Harry felt terrible as he noticed first and second years start to crawl under the table.

He held back his own emotion that crept suddenly to his throat at seeing these small children hide, petrified. A girl, no older than eleven started to sob uncontrollably as her friend put a comforting arm around her, trying with all her spirit to console her, while her little hands were shaking violently.

“Get the younger children out of here Harry.” whispered Luna


Harry looked frantically over to the door, where a young girl appeared, crawling on her hands and knees, gasping for breath.

Harry recognised her; it was the third year that had kindly given Luna and Harry a seat at the Gryffindor House Table, upon their entrance.

She collapsed; Harry got his wand to the ready and ran over to the girl, who had fallen face down onto the cold floor, her breath still and lifeless. He took her gently in his arms, and rolled her over. All of a sudden she gasped a long breath, and silently, he prayed she would be all right. Harry was scared; it was obvious that his gut realisation had come to a head; that the once safe walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly had finally been penetrated.
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