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Old 09-10-2006, 07:34 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: The Highest cloud on Loon-Land
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Harry threw himself down on his bed in the Gryffindor boys dormitory. He lay back on his soft pillow, resting his head neatly in the small formed centre where his head had made the perfect impression due to it’s significant use over the last six years, and he closed his eyes.

Only two things seemed to be on his mind, and both appeared to be the one main distraction that looked to be taking it’s hold over sixteen year old Harry lately - Women!

The first being his girlfriend, Luna, whom he had only seen briefly that morning and was already missing her greatly. “Get a grip Potter!” he whispered quietly to himself, but he also smiled like he always did when he thought of her wacky radish earrings and the shoulder shawl that he gave her, which she preferred to wear on her head.

Second, was Karis. She looked so upset when Harry left her alone in her classroom, he felt terrible. He kept reliving the words that his Mother had spoken to him. The fact that Karis comes across brave and noble, and yet inside she is very much alone, and in that respect, he felt she was very much like him, which is why they normally got on so well.

He let out a small amusing smirk when two words popped into his head ‘Sibling Rivalry’ he never thought he would live the day, to believe in something so powerful as that. He knows he is any only child, but to know that his parents were to adopt Karis made a special bond in his heart for her, and until the day he dies, she will always be his Sister – no matter what! He quietly whispered into himself.

Harry then started to wonder what was happening between Bill and Karis – she never spoke about him– proving to Harry that she did like her secret private space, and he dared violate that trust again, especially now. He still felt bad about being in her black book, but he knew it would pass, there were more pressing priorities at hand.

Ron entered the dorm – “Are you ready then? We can’t exactly conduct this meeting without the ring leader.” he teased, as he sat down on the edge of Harry’s bed. “Why are you moping up here for, anyway?

Harry sat up; he stretched his arms up over his head and yawned. “I’m tired, and I was just thinking about stuff.” replied Harry, wanting to steer away from the subject.

Ron nodded, expressing a wry grin on his face, he replied. “Yeah, I know, women will do that to you!” he then winked, and Harry laughed out loud for the first time in days. “Do you have ESP Ron?” scoffed Harry.

Ron rolled his eyes. “No mate, I’m just sixteen. Now get up, lets go sort this Malfoy business out. But I warn you now, I don’t think the rest of the DA are too keen about it.”

Harry ran his hand through his hair, while straightening out his T-Shirt that he had changed into moments before. “Well come on then, let’s see what students really make of Draco Malfoy.” And with that they both left the boys dormitory together, to meet the rest of the Gryffindor DA members, who were waiting patiently downstairs in the common room.

The other house DA members met the Gryffindor bunch outside the room of requirement. Justin and Zacharias both came hurrying towards Harry, who was walking in front of the approaching group, chatting animatedly to Ron and Neville.

Zacharias interrupted their conversation. “Harry, the Order are already inside, along with Fudge and Ministry officials, it looks to be quite a heated conversation – are you sure we are supposed to be here?”

Luna approached Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor team members. “Zacharias!” she said his name very matter-of-factly, while standing head on in front of him, blocking Harry’s view. “Harry wouldn’t have told us to meet here if we were not supposed to be apart of this mission. The question I think we should all be asking ourselves, is ‘Do we want to be here?’” She then turned to Harry and asked. “Well, that is the reason we are here isn’t it?”

Harry stared at her, wide-eyed and surprised. “Well yeah, it is.” he replied, with raised eyebrows.

Neville stepped forward. “Um, Harry – if the Ministry and the Order are dealing with this, then… well maybe… maybe we should just let them deal with it.” He said, and then bowed his head down, in a way of retreat. He felt maybe Harry would think badly of him for being a coward. But instead, he was pleasantly surprised.

Harry nodded and smiled at Neville. “Thanks for your honesty Nev, I respect that, and you do not have to play any part in this.” He replied. Harry then looked around at his team of friends. “Who else feels this way?”

To no surprise at all to Harry, practically everyone put his or her hand up – including Hermione, which stunned Harry for a few moments. It was only Luna, Harry and Ron who remained unmoved.

“Very well, I guess that’s that then – let’s go!” said Harry, as he started to move towards the entrance door to the Room of Requirement.

“Wait!” said Hermione, pulling Harry back. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to tell Albus Dumbledore and the rest of the Order that the DA have made a decision.”

“Oh” mumbled Hermione, while letting go of his arm.

Slowly they all entered the room; two at a time, and Harry could see the furious expression on Fudge’s face upon his entrance, which made him aware in that moment that the DA had come to the right decision.

“Ah Good Evening.” said Dumbledore, raising his hands in welcoming gesture. “Harry, I don’t think there is any point diddle-daddling around – have the DA reached a decision?” asked Albus, as Harry stood by Karis and Bill’s side in the now crowded room.

“Yes sir.” replied Harry. He took a small cough, and continued. “The DA have decided that due to the amount of support that Draco Malfoy and his Mother Narcissa Malfoy have with the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, we feel that at this time, our resources will be wasted and no necessary danger need be forced upon our group. However, if things do seem to prove more difficult, and more manpower is needed, then myself, Ron and Luna, will gladly help.”

Hermione coughed in interference – “And me. If extra services are required that is.” she said, shooting a distasteful look at Harry.

The rest of the DA nodded to each other in agreement.

Harry noticed that Karis seemed to relax her shoulders in relief, while Remus sent a warm smile to Harry.

“Very well Harry, I understand.” said Albus, his eyes twinkling over his half-moon spectacles. “I think that is a worthy decision, and very wise! So if you don’t mind, we better carry on with our plans, I suggest you all go down and have your evening meal in the Great Hall, we will see you later.”

“Yes Professor.” replied Harry, with a slight nod to his head.

The DA started to vacate the room, but Harry hesitated and looked over at Karis, who was smiling sweetly at him. Harry then looked to Bill. “Take care of her, I don’t fancy losing another member of my family, anytime soon!” he said politely, but with obvious depth.

Severus Snape shifted slightly, and Harry thought he had hit a raw nerve – could Severus be jealous?

“Don’t worry Harry, your Sister is perfectly safe with me – if it gets out of hand, I can always set a few dragons loose on the mansion!” he kind-heartedly replied, but his eyes glinted with intent, and Harry noticed that, behind the traditional Weasley mock, Bill cared very much for Karis – very much indeed!

“Hurry up Harry, I’m starving!” muttered Ron.

Hermione smiled. “For once Ron, I actually agree with you, i‘m hungry too.”

“You are relieved we are not going to help?” asked Harry.

Hermione grimaced. “Yes Harry, aren’t you?”

Harry shrugged his shoulders once more; because, if truth be told, he didn’t know how he felt.

“Well I’m bloody relieved, I didn’t fancy dying again!” piped up Justin Finch-Fletchley.

Everyone laughed out loud, and as they made their way down to the Great Hall, they all felt that tonight they made a noble decision, and Harry silently thanked Karis, for she had taught him well – as for the first time, he had walked away. In Karis’ eyes, not all battles are for fighting, and sometimes it is more appropriate to break ranks and do nothing. After all, they had the best aurors on their side, what could Dumbledore’s Army possibly contribute to this cause, other than get in the way?

“Are you worried for them Harry?” asked Luna, as she held on to Harry’s arm, while they approached the Great Hall.

“I’m petrified Luna, but they are strong, powerful and I know what they can do – especially Karis, and if I dare say it – Snape! They will be fine, and if not, we will help.”

“Do you think it will come to that?” she asked, while holding onto his arm tightly, her head nestled to the side, softly touching his upper arm. “I swear you are getting taller Harry!” she said as an afterthought, and he smiled down at her.

“I don’t know if it will come to that, but I can’t be sure. And as for me growing taller, I think you are shrinking – shorty!”

Luna pinched his arm. “Ow!” he scowled at her in a teasing manner.

Ron and Hermione noticed the mockery between the couple, and they both smiled.

“Good for you girl, tell him whose boss!” said Hermione, with a glint in her eye.

“I intend to!” replied Luna with a chuckle, while Harry and Ron smirked at each other in amusement.

“Are we going to talk about this later?” asked Cho in a whisper, to all the members who could hear her.

“Let’s just eat, have fun with our friends, and see where tonight takes us. Relax!” replied Harry, while conveying a warm smile, which made her eyes light up briefly.

“OK. See you later then.” replied Cho, while she and Marietta Edgecombe left their special group, and approached the Ravenclaw table.

“There doesn’t look to be any room on the Gryffindor table for me Harry!” said Luna, staring over the long house table that was now full of people in a wave of colours, as everyone was now sitting comfortably in normal clothes.

“I’ll make room!” he replied profoundly.

Luna smiled up at Harry, he made her feel so special, that she squeezed his arm tighter without even realising it. He noticed however, and smiled into himself and in that moment Harry felt more alive than ever.

As they approached the long bench and sat down – even though it was a tight squeeze, he had kept to his word and held tight onto Luna’s hand, determined to get her a spot; they had a couple of cold glances thrown over at them, then a girl muttered. “I’m finished anyway.” as she effortlessly rose up from the bench.

“Thanks.” said Harry to the girl, whom he recognised as a third year. She gave him a small smile, as if to thank him for noticing her courteous manner.

“Lets hope they do well!” said Luna, raising her goblet of pumpkin juice. The Gryffindor DA members all smiled and together they clinked their goblets together, wishing the Ministry and their friends in the Order of the Phoenix, well in their mission together.

Last edited by Swizzlestick; 09-10-2006 at 07:36 PM.
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