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Old 09-09-2006, 09:21 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Drabble #7. Care of Magical Creatures

Title: Hermione
Year: Fifth-Ginny
Disclaimer: Not Mine
Genre: General

Ginny Weasley spent the entire day in Care of Magical Creatures glaring at her particular creature. Not only was it disgusting, and ugly, mind you, it was also…Hermione looking.

Hermione, the girl who somehow managed to steal everything from her grasp, yet Ginny had never put that against her but Draco, Draco had been the last straw.

She felt a pat on her shoulder and looked to see Hagrid.

“Are you sure you can take care of it Ginny? I can take it away from you if you want?” Ginny growled at his statement.

Hagrid loved Hermione looking Creatures too!
And finally a happily ever after. Hana Yori Dango Final.

Image courtesy of InTheirBadnessReign
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