Thread: Harry Potter: Hermione's Challenge - Sa13+
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Old 09-09-2006, 07:25 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

It was dusk before Ron and Hermione apperrated back to the Burrow. Molly saw them appear from the kitchen window and ran to greet Hermione and her son.
I am SO glad to see you, Hermione!" she sqealed, excitedly. "Arthur's in the sitting room, and he is healing rapidly now."
"How are you holding up, Molly?" Hermione asked, looking deeply into her eyes, which still bore the pain of her loss. Molly, knowing what Hermione was talking about, said quietly. "It's still hard to believe he is gone! He was the only one I didn't worry much about, since he never was a fighter. Who would have thought he would be the one to die at the hands of a Death Eater."
"I know," Hermione said softly. "I'm just glad he came and apologised to you all before it happened, you were a complete family again."
"Let's go on inside," Ron said, trying to break the sadness of the moment.
But as they walked toward the door, he thought: "Mum's right! Who would have thought that it would be Percy that would die in this war." Although he still bore some resentment towards his brother's earlier actions toward Harry and his family, Ron still loved and missed his brother.
Once inside, the three were surrounded by Fred, George, Bill and Charlie, who called out "Dad, Ginny, Harry! They're here!"
The sound of running footsteps could be heard running down the stairs as they all headed into the sitting room.
After greeting eveyone and giving and getting hugs until her ribs were sore, Hermione followed Molly and Ginny into the kitchen while the men swapped war stories.
"How are you, Hermione?" Molly asked. "I didn't get much of a chance to ask earlier with all the excitement."
"Well, I have been doing a lot of thinking about what I should do next," Hermione said.
"What do you mean?" Ginny asked, looking at her friend with a worried look on her face. "You and my brother are still going to get married, aren't you?"
Molly looked at her intently as well.
"Certainly we are!" Hermione said. "Reassuring them both. "We haven't had time to set a date yet. What I was talking about was a career! I'll never be satisfied just being a housewife, Ron knows that and agrees that I need to find something...."
"What about a Healer," Molly said. "You'd make a good one, you know."
"Thank you," Hermione answered. "I thought hard about it, but, it just doesn't seem to fit for me."
"You'd make a fantastic Auror, Hermione," Ginny said enthusiastically. "And then you could work with Ron and Harry!"
"That's what I think I want," Hermione grinned. "At least it would make a good place to start until I am sure of what I want."
"That is a great idea," Molly said. "Even if you want to change your path eventually, it would open new ideas and doors for you. You are certainly young enough to take your time in deciding exactly what path you want to take."
"I think I'll go down to the Ministry in a few days and check into it," Hermione said smiling. "Right now, what I need most is a shower and a nice warm bed!"
"That we have!" Molly said. "Ginny, why don't you go up with her and help her get her things put away!"
The two said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs.

Keeper of Hermione's Wand and Ronald's Pride

Thanks to Laura for resizing for me!
Author of Surprise Letter to Harry and Hermione's Challenge
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