Join Date: Oct 2003 Location: The Highest cloud on Loon-Land
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| Part 4 “Expelliarmus” came the cry from Tonks as two Deatheaters approached her. Many stunning spells and jinxes were flying over the heads of both fighting groups. There were thirty deatheaters compared to twenty order members, they were outnumbered but they didn’t care, the mission was the only thing that meant anything to them, the saving of Alastor from the wicked and cruel torment that he had to endure for the past month. “Impedimenta.” shouted Remus Lupin, as he caught a cloaked Deatheater who was about to place the cruciatus curse on Emmeline Vance. “Thanks.” she said, while continuing to run forward to try and get closer to the entrance of the Orphanage which was now bustling with black cloaks and hooded figures. Albus and Karis had taken the back of the building, hoping the rest of the Order kept the main entrance distracted; so they could find a way in and out before the full brunt of the Deatheaters could notice. “Alohamora” whispered Karis to a lock on one of the ground level windows. “Stupefy.” Albus shouted over his shoulder as one Deatheater came towards them both. “Albus then waved his wand and a protection shield covered them both while Karis quickly clambered through the now open window. Albus followed and before their very eyes, three deatheaters stormed through the door. They shot spells, one was “Crucio” but the shield was still in tact and the spell rebounded and hit all three of the cloaked felons at once, making them fall on the floor while squirming in pain. “Through here.” whispered Karis, and they both ran as fast as they could, while still surrounded by the protection shield. In the meantime, outside the front of the orphanage it was a constant battle field. Remus had been caught by a stunning spell and had collapsed by the side of Kingsley Shacklebolt, who in turn managed to tie up the attacker with conjured ropes, while Remus took a couple of minutes to recover. Tonks was fighting like a wild cat, not letting one spell hit her, a more defiant Tonks seemed to be in the making, she was growing more powerful, and as Kingsley watched her, he thought about the Ministry of Magic and the Department of Mysteries in where they fought. Her being stunned by Bella was unfortunate and he felt that Tonks may have experienced a well deserved wake up call. In the distance a bright light shone, making everyone stop what they were doing momentarily to watch the display of colours. The Deatheaters also looked on, and a small plump man in a cloak could be heard mumbling to himself. Remus came to from his stunning spell and recognised the sounds protruding from the treacherous mouth of Wormtail. Remus was livid, he felt anger rise through him like never before, he was always normally so calm and collect, but not now, Remus Lupin raised his wand and shouted clearly “Crucio” while Kingsley and Arthur Weasley gasped in horror at his actions.” * “Oh No Harry, look!” said a shaken Hermione, while pointing over the hill to the protruding red sparks. “Quick, everyone we have to run, C’mon.” said Harry to the others. “Put your masks on!” “We have to help the Order, we have to make them see Severus is a traitor, a lying pig, that’s why we are here, I didn’t tell you sooner and I apologise, but he is going to get everyone killed.” Harry said quickly before they all sped off down the hill. “But Harry, you should have said something before!” said Seamus in horror. “I know, but now you know why green wasn’t in the Orb, now you know why Slyterin plays no part in this fight, Severus is now proof of that. Please we must go.” Everyone nodded, they believed Harry, and they felt he was right. Hermione however still held her trepidations. They ran as fast as they could. From the top of the hill they could make out the fight clearly. “They are outnumbered, thank nargles we came.” said Luna to Harry, who in turn couldn’t help but smile at her. “Right, now four of you need to go around the back of the building, the rest of us, we fight down the middle. Remember, Stupefy, Expelliarmus, Totalus Petrficus, any spell that comes to your head you use it, hey, even Accio wand if it helps. Remember what Karis has taught us in class so far.” said Harry, while the others watched him in silence. “I’ll take back” said Neville. “Yeah and me.” said Dean Thomas. “Make that three.” said Seamus Finnigan. “And I guess, I make four.” said Justin Finch-Fletchley. “Right, that’s settled then, be careful!” said Harry eyeing the four volunteers. “The rest of you, follow me!” Arthur Weasley looked up to see a small mass of cloaks running towards them. Two of the Deatheaters also looked and shook their heads. “What the hell is this?” said a deep voice, which Kingsley recognised as Rookwood.” “Are they deatheaters?” asked Tonks to Arthur. “I don’t think so.” “Crucio.” was heard in the close distance and a shot from the wand of Rookwood was now heading straight for the back of Arthur Weasley. Harry noticed this and without another thought he shouted “Reflecto Accio.” And a shield surrounded itself around Arthur as the spell was about to hit. However it reflected and hit the Deatheater who was about to stun Tonks. “Nice one!” said Kingsley to a surprised Harry, he couldn’t believe he just managed to pull that off. “What on earth are you doing here Harry? – Duck!” Kingsley pulled Harry down to the ground while a spell shot two inches past his head. “Ahhhh, came the scream of Cho Chang.” “I brought the DA and we are here to help you fight.” “Harry, are you insane?” “No, I haven’t seen things so clearly in my life.” Harry shouted back over his shoulder while getting up and running to stun the Deatheater that had Cho surrounded. “You traitor Wormtail, how dare you do this to us, how dare you do what you did, I hate you!” spat Remus while holding his wand to Peter Pettigrew’s throat. “Come on now Remus, you don’t want to do this, you can’t do it, your cruciatus curse only made me wince, you don’t have the inhumanity in you, you never did!” “That’s true, but there are other ways to destroy a man Peter, you rely too much on magic!” “Maybe so, but I also know I have this.” With that Peter punched out his silver arm and hit Remus hard in the leg. Remus screamed, it felt like his leg was burning, the pain was like that of the cruciatus curse but more so. Harry turned around quickly to see Remus collapse to the floor. “REMUS, NO” he screamed. Harry started to run towards him. Peter again pulled his hand back and punched Remus in the stomach. Harry could see him crumple, screaming in agony while Peter stood there laughing triumphantly at his former best friend. “HARRY WAIT.” shouted Hermione as she, Ron and Luna followed to help Remus. “I’LL KILL YOU PETTIGREW!” shouted Harry. Peter looked up and noticed a purple cloaked figure running for him. He did not know what to make of it and was therefore caught off-guard. Harry held his wand out to the treacherous Marauder, he could feel the emotion of seeing Remus laying on the floor overtake him, his wand started to vibrate, he felt a rush of power flow through his veins, he had only felt it once before, only recently. It was the same feeling he had in the Orb. Harry waved his wand and a jet of white light flashed from it, he watched it as if in slow motion, not knowing what he had done, he let his emotions decide the spell for him. It hit Peter with a force that threw him up in the air, making him land hard on his head, knocking him out cold. Shocked and surprised at what had just happened, he stood there for a couple of seconds taking it all in, when he then started to sprint towards Remus who was laying, twitching on the floor in agony. * Harry slid beside him and took his head and held him into his lap. Remus was finding it hard to breathe but looked up at Harry with determined eyes. “Harry” he gasped. Shhh, don’t try to speak Remus, I’m gonna get you out of here I promise.” replied Harry with a burning sensation in the back of his eye balls. “N…No Lis…ten to me… Harry.. You have to…. Get… Snape…. He ..is…. the….only one who can help…me.” He said while gasping in pain. “No Remus, he is a traitor, I know! I saw him talking to Draco, it don’t make sense now I will explain later but please, Severus is double crossing us, he is still a Deatheater.” “No…. Harry… your wrong…. Please get Severus!” Harry was shaking his head in disbelief, he was confused. Harry wanted nothing more than to help Remus but he didn’t want to approach the enemy and pretend everything was alright in the process. Harry didn’t notice Luna standing beside him with her wand to the ready, covering their backs. “Harry, I will get Snape, Ron and Hermione can cover you.” She said with her eyes still fixed on the battle ahead of them. “Luna, how will you know which one is Snape, they all have cloaks on.” “I know a locator spell, my wand will work as a compass and lead me to him, don’t worry, just take care of your friend.” Luna went to walk away when Harry grabbed her leg. She looked down at him in bewilderment. “Luna, please be careful, you heard what I said!” “Don’t worry Harry, after all, we have the power of three houses behind us now.” She then paused to watch his surprised frown. “I felt it too Harry!” she added quickly, then walked away to find the one person Harry didn’t want to see, the one person he wanted to announce to the Order had betrayed them. But he would have to wait until another time, right now, he had to fight. It was then he realised she was missing, he hadn’t seen her, “Karis! Remus where is Karis?” “Inside” was the only word that escaped from his broken gasping breath, before he blacked out in Harry’s arms. Harry’s heart skipped a beat at this one spoken word. He was holding on tight to Remus, who he considered as his new Godfather, and the man who gave Harry the encouragement and strength to continue since the passing of Sirius. He was reeling with emotions that he hadn’t felt so strongly before. Almost making him feel sick inside, he wanted to hit someone, do something, while crying inside for Remus to awake and praying for Karis to hold him, like she did after their first Occlumency lesson. She was inside the derelict Orphanage, and Harry knew Voldemort and more Deatheaters were bound to be in there too, this was their hide-out, the place they used to imprison and torture the ones who stepped in their way. The war had started, Harry realised that now and so did everyone else in front of him on this battle field, fighting for their lives and for the cause. It would only be a short time now until the whole world finally knew the truth that no-one was safe and that Voldemort was truly back! Luna came running over to him, while dodging the leaping beams of spells, curses and hexes that were still illuminating the dark empty skies of Hollow Valley. She skid to a halt and ducked down beside Harry who was now looking an ashen grey. “He’s coming.” she whispered. “How is he?” gesturing to the broken Remus Lupin, still lying in Harry’s lap, unconscious. “I don’t know Luna.” He spoke in no more than a small whisper while willing himself not to show her his tears that now tried to project down his tired and worried face. She held Harry’s arm, trying to show him some kind of affection and encouragement, but he sat there oblivious to it, he felt numb and cold. Luna looked up to see a Deatheater running towards them. Harry reached for his wand but she stopped him. “It’s Snape” Harry however still held his wand tight, he wanted to hex Snape there and then but it’s only the willing words of Remus that kept him from doing so. “Harry, listen to me carefully.” said Snape, in a desperate tone. Harry sneered, but stayed silent. “Remus is in a bad way, he’s been hit by silver. Remus is a Werewolf; you know that silver can kill a werewolf! You wrote an essay on it in your third year.” Harry opened his mouth to say something but instead just nodded. “I have to take him, I have a potion that can help him, but he will die if we do nothing. Now let go of him!” shot Severus, regaining his stern tendencies. “Why should I trust you, I know your game Severus, you will let him die!” “Don’t be so bloody stupid Potter, now do as I say and let him go!” Harry let go and Snape grabbed Remus by his hand and held onto him tight. Harry lunged forward and grabbed Snape by the scruff of the neck and put his face close to his, looking into him with dangerous flashing eyes. “If he dies, I will kill you!” A shocked Severus took in a gasp of breath, he was astonished at the amount of hate that swelled in the veins of this sixteen year old boy, and it was then he realised that Harry had got it wrong, all of it! “Harry, you can try and kill me but I assure you, that you will not succeed, for after what I have done and am about to do I am a marked man and am no better than dead anyway.” Severus paused to read Harry’s surprised expression, and then continued. “You have me all wrong! Trust Karis, she knows me, and if you care for her as much as I know you do, you will understand that there are many things you do not know or understand, but in time she will tell you, in time you will know everything.” He then pushed Harry off of him in a way of hard force, to warn Harry of his anger, then apparated with a loud crack in front of his very eyes, taking Remus with him.
Last edited by Swizzlestick; 09-09-2006 at 10:25 AM.