21. : Daydreams or Thinking of you-The Burrow (The backyard, decked out for a wedding *Ottery’s crying*)
Bill and Fleur, everyone thought an unlikely match. He, a handsome lad, still, in spite of the scars; she a
veela, one of the most beautiful. It shocked some that she stood there, resplendent in her white gown, shimmering pearls and white flower bouquet. Ron was crying (Fleur was going to be his sister-in-law, he couldn’t help it), Harry trying to avoid Gabrielle’s constant stares, and Ginny’s giggling.
Hermione sat, Krum between her and Ron. Her thoughts here, though a time far away, she wearing a white dress, Ron standing were Bill now was, holding her hands; Harry beside them.
AN: O: Always a bridesmaid never a bride
T: I'll give you reason to cry at a wedding ... *smacks Ottery*