Still going, the Ottery Battery nothing else works on a Thermonuclear Doomsday Device Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 43. : A trip to the candy store-Madame Sweet’s Candy Shoppe
The bell over the door tinkled the sound of a customer and the short portly vendor lady came out of the backroom. Expecting a muggle, she wore a courteous smile, on seeing the Hogwarts Headmaster she laughed as her face broke out in happiness.
“Again so soon, Professor,” she said, giving her old teacher his title.
“I’m afraid so Madame Sweet. No one else makes those delightful caramel peanut camels like you do.”
“You flatter me so,” she said. Taking her wand, with a flick opening a box she filled it with candy. Her caramel camels were the world’s best.