Operator can you help me place this call ... Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 28. : Time is no friend of mine-The Clock Shop
They called him the Cuckoo because he owned the only clock shop in Ottery St. Tempus Montre however did not care, no one ever complained about any timepiece he ever fixed. Muggles would walk in begging their heirlooms be fixed. And with his skilled hands and a bit of magic they would never tell false time again.
Tempus sat at his workbench, magical monocle over his right eye, surrounded by clocks (cuckoos and grandfathers) chiming the noon hour.
“He’s late,” he said to no one. The ministry courier was tardy to pick up the timeturners he had made for them.