Ottery is popular at tea parties too ... Mm hmm ... Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 25. : Tea for the Topper Man-The Mad Hatter’s Chapeau Chateau Mercurial Topper was his name, madness and hats are his game, read the sign over the door. Indeed the short gentleman in the light blue top hat was renowned in the wizarding world as the wizard who had created the Sorting Hat … or rather for taking credit for it. Truth, the hat was as old as the school.
Still Mercurial was popular at tea parties, having a way with words. He closed his shop, as he did everyday, off to a tea date.
Smiling at the ladies, he always took off his hat, under which his pet dormouse slept.