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Hogwarts RPG Name: Maximus O. Vindictus III First Year | No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher This is what happens to Seventh Year students who suffer from high amounts of stress combined with lack of sleep due to studying for NEWTS: Quote:
Originally Posted by Kay Kay looked over at Hawken and was about to say something when she saw the writing on the wall. She walked over to get a better look at the message (which was not a wise move on her part). It was bound to happen and she finally snapped from the stress. "What do you mean I'll choke! I've never failed. NEVER!" she erupted in an ear-piercing scream. Quote:
Originally Posted by Innocent bystander Kay jumped slightly as the Ravenclaw quidditch capitain screamed. She stared for a moment, then looked back at Ryan, wide eyed. "At least my rant was contained..." she muttered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Claw Captain Kay turned around and glared at those in the room. She knew that Hawken didn't do it, but maybe one of them did it as a sick joke. "Okay, which one of you little twerps did it?" she hissed angrily and her bloodshot eyes were ablaze with anger. She reached into her robe and pulled out her wand. It was not a good idea to mess around with the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain when she was in one of these moods . . . . Quote:
Originally Posted by the other Kay Kay looked up cautiously at Kay... "It was like this when I came in here..." she said, shaking. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryan "we haven't done anything"he said looking round at the captain Quote:
Originally Posted by Captain hath snapped Kay gave each of them a curt nod but in her mind's eye she thought she saw someone hidden in a shadowy corner of the room. The lack of sleep combined with her endless studying for NEWTS (and worrying about Elijah above everything else) made her see people who were not there . . . Ravenclaw students from the past. She advanced on the corner with her wand pointed directly at the shadow and began to scream at it as if it were a person who was waiting to attack her. "How dare you! I, Kayleen Harrison will NEVER fail or choke! I should have never ever given your wand to Ashlie, Mithos! Linny, help me!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Brave one Kay stood up and placed a hand on Kayleen's shoulder. "There's no one there." she said in what she was sure was a soothing voice. "Why don't you go get some sleep. You look exhausted." She smiled genialy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Captain Insanity Kay spun around and pointed her wand at the girl (in her current state of mind, she didn't recognize her). "Don't touch me!" she hissed and her eyes darted about the room searching for certain people. "Linny! Ashlie! Ron! Kali! Jake! Sarah! I need your help! Mithos is at it again!" Her words were louder this time and she whipped back around to keep the shadow cornered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jamie to the rescue Jamie stood, transfixed, in the doorway leading to the boys dormitories. Behind him, you could still see the stairs as the door hung ajar, the boy's small body hardly taking up any space at all. Eyes wide, he took in the scene. A very upset indeed Kay yelling at a corner. Did she see something he didn't? Mithos? Linny? Was she talking about his Ashlie? Hurridly, he rushed over to the older girl. He didn't dare touch her, afraid she'd jump or turn on him. "Kay," he said gently, giving way to tugging gently at her shirt. "Kay. Wake up. It's me. It's Jamie." Maybe she'd realize she was seeing things, he hoped. Maybe she'd see him and snap out? Quote:
Originally Posted by The Unstable One "QUIT . . . TUGGING . . . ON . . . MY . . . SHIRT!" she screamed and kept her wand on the shadow she thought was Mithos. "You foul, loathesome, evil little cockroach." Kay's eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared. "Ashlie, get in here! Or I'm gonna do it!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Jamie the hero Now fear had crossed Jamie's face and he honestly didn't know what to do. He'd never seen anyone act this way. Never read it. He always thought it was a fiction of movies, a scene made up for drama. "Ashlie isn't here!" he said desperately. "Nobody is there and we don't know who Mithos is!" Maybe he should send an owl to Ashlie, the boy suggested to himself, looking around the room for one. Did anyone have an owl around? He could have Ashlie apparate to Hogsmead and.... would he be able to get to Hogsmead with Kay? "I need an owl!" he said in a choked, fear ridden voice. Why wasn't Ashlie around when he really needed her? Quote:
Originally Posted by Straight jacket Model "No owls!" she hissed loudly. "Ashlie said no one is to leave the common room. It's not safe!" Quote:
Originally Posted by she who should have listened Kay returned with her owl and looked around at the scene. Quote:
Originally Posted by Flashback . . . blame it on lack of Schmoop's cookies Kay heard the rustling of wings and her eyes grew wide. "I SAID NO OWLS!" she screamed and kept her wand pointed on the shadowy corner. "Quit your crying, Mithos before I silence you!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Getting Help Why would Ashlie not let them leave the Common Room? Jamie asked in bafflement. Hoping Kay wouldn't see her, he turned to the girl. He prayed that she'd hurry up and get back. He dropped to the ground and furiously dug through his bag for a quill and parchment. He tore off a bit and with his self-inking quill quickly scratched out: Quote: Ashlie - Emergency. Go to Hogsmead, I'll try to reach you there. Kay thinks you have Common Room on lock down. ?????? - Jamie He turned with concern to Kay. She wasn't going to let them out. He knew that much. But maybe if they crept around, she wouldn't notice. He had to get her out. Get her to Ashlie. To the nurse. Even to Elijah.
Biting his lip, despite Kay's out burst, he pointed to the girl. "Distract her. Do something," he mouthed, hoping she'd play along with this "Mithos" thing. "Act like you're crying!"
Then, tying the note to the owls leg, holding the feathers down so as not to disturb the bird, he made a mad, but silent dash to the Common Room entrance. Quote:
Originally Posted by Captain Insanity is my name Kay was staring at the shadowy corner and the crying got on her nerves. "I warned you, Mithos. No crying," she said in a lower voice. "SILENCIO!" A jet of light shot into the corner and was absorbed by the curtain. Smirking at her accomplishment, she turned around and threw her hands up into the air. "Constant vigilance! Doesn't anyone listen to the professors?" Her bloodshot eyes darted about the room and she waited for someone to answer.
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Last edited by demented_death_eater; 09-09-2006 at 03:00 AM.