You wreaked havok on my days made me feel
like nothing and guess what i turend out to be nothing
so you said you wanted me to do good well maybe
you should remember my birthday once
in a while or call me or stop by
or take intrest in what i do but you don't
and im gladthe only thing you ever taught me
is how to be a jerk you do nothing for me
i ask you for one thing in my entire life
and you say no and im not surprised either
you make me feel stupid and i learned
not to listen to you cheated you lied
i try not to care because you don't care and for some
god awful reason i say i keep feeling bad
about what i say to you but you asy things to me
and don't say your sorry you come to me asking for
things i don't have but you keep wreaking
havok on me just like always and i hate you for it
but your my father and i wish i could change it
but i can't so just keep wreaking havok on me
i "don't" care
thanks "ilove prongs "