Join Date: Oct 2003 Location: The Highest cloud on Loon-Land
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| Chapter 9 – The first steps Albus had just disapparated from his headmasters office at Hogwarts and arrived in the auditorium at the Ministry of Magic. He was greeted by a very flustered Cornelius Fudge, and his right hand man and not so popular Percy Weasley. “Albus, thank you for coming. said Cornelius Fudge holding out his hand. “No problem Cornelius, I understand you have taken appropriate steps to what happened this afternoon.” replied Dumbledore looking over his half moon glasses. Yes of course, I have every Aurora on the case, we are on full alert. I have my best men and women guarding Diagon Alley and I am awaiting word from Arthur Weasley and Nymphordora Tonks regarding the status at Azkaban.” “What is Mr Weasley doing there, he is not an Aurora.” interrupted Percy. Dumbledore felt a slight pang of sorrow at Percy’s remark; he knew deep down Percy was concerned a little, even if they were not on talking terms, Arthur was still his Dad. “He insisted he assist Tonks, don’t ask me why, wanting to feel more important I suppose.” replied Fudge Dumbledore shot fudge a look of apprehension but smiled politely. “Very well.” Dumbledore looked around making sure he could not be overheard. “Cornelius, I have a bad feeling that Azkaban will be a target tonight, you must and I mean must be prepared. I will of course help you were I can, but I advise you administer an evacuation process to surrounding areas, after all we do not want innocent people to get hurt!” “Albus, that would spread a world of panic”” shot back Fudge. “Not necessarily Cornelius, I advise it.” Albus took a few seconds to collect his thoughts and continued. “A war with Voldemort and his Deatheaters is imminent, and you must remember he is getting stronger everyday, I sense it and I will be having words with Harry later too, I am sure he also feels it, he now has a strong almost human based form and is capable of administering all sorts of complications.” Fudge was holding an expression of defiance, as much as he knew Albus Dumbledore was a powerful wizard, he was still the head of the Ministry of Magic and always made a point in announcing it at any given opportunity. Meanwhile Percy Weasley had his head down while scribbling frantically on his note pad. “Albus, I do not wish to spread any more panic in our community, we had enough of that this afternoon; however I will think about what you said and will let you know what I decide.” “Very well Cornelius, I’m sure you will make the right decision.” With that Albus Dumbledore disapparated with a loud crack in front of Fudge and Percy Weasley’s eyes. “Well how rude.” said Percy Cornelius stood there with a concerned expression, then slowly turned around and walked away. Part 2 Albus arrived outside Azkaban Prison with his wand to the ready, it was starting to get dark, “Lumos” he whispered and a bright light shone from the tip. “Arthur?” he called. “Tonks?” “Over here Albus” replied Arthur Weasley. Albus hurried over to where Arthur was keeping watch with Tonks, on the far side of Azkaban prison left of the entrance. All was very quiet, not the welcome Albus was quite expecting. “Have you anything to report?” asked Albus to them both. “No, not yet, funnily enough there has been nothing.” replied Arthur. Tonks moved in closer “Albus, I have taken many forms this evening and walked all around the prison, and the surrounding area, doesn’t seem to be anything strange going on, not yet anyway, but I can keep searching.” “Please do. I understand that Cornelius has his best Aurora’s on the look-out too, you may see one or two of them.” “Yes, I have already bumped into Kingsley, he’s the best they have.” replied Tonks with a polite smile. “They have you too Tonks, as an animagus and an Aurora, that combination makes you a very valued member indeed, trust me!” Albus’ eyes were twinking. Tonks looked away, and Albus realised that he may have embarrassed her. Have you spoken to Cornelius, Albus?” enquired Arthur, breaking the silence. “Yes but he still does not seem to accept there will be imminent attacks, I advised him to evacuate close surrounding areas but he seemed to think it will cause an array of panic.” “Closing his mind as normal then, making us pick up the pieces and do all the work.” shot Tonks “I’m sure he has his reasons, but yes I’m afraid he can be very difficult.” “Don’t you think it’s strange though Albus, no attack on Azkaban yet, especially after what happened today!” “Not really Arthur, Voldemort did always like his games, that was a warning, when Azkaban is targeted we won’t know until it happens, which is why we need to be extra vigilant.” Tonks Laughed. “You are starting to sound like Alastor.” “Yes, I guess I am. Dumbledore chuckled. Where is our magic eyed friend anyway?” “As far as I know he is at Grimmauld Place.” replied Arthur “No. Fred and George went there to warn about the attack in Diagon Alley and found it empty, that’s why they went to the Ministry.” Tonks carried a concerned frown. “Well if he isn’t at Grimmauld Place, and not at the Ministry, where is he?” “He might be at his home.” said Arthur “If he went home he would have heard by a member of the Order about the attack and he would have been in touch by now.” replied Albus All was silent for a few seconds, then Albus looked at Arthur and Tonks with a look of total despair. “What is it?” asked a worried Tonks “It wasn’t the plan to attack Azkaban tonight, it was a diversion in tactics, and a cowardly one too. Dumbledore looked down briefly then continued. “The first steps have been taken, his first target is members of the Order to try and break us down and then he will go after Harry.” “We better tell the others immediately. How did he know Alastor was still in the Order?” said a panic stricken Arthur “Well, he would have known nothing has changed from before, but besides me he decided to target the oldest in the Order, probably thinking they are weaker.” “I don’t understand, he would have seen them surely, with that magical eye of his.” Arthur was turning a pale grey with worry. “Yes, he would have put up a good fight I’m sure, but if there was too many of them he wouldn’t have standed a chance on his own.” “Poor Alastor, interrupted Tonks, while shaking her head “The Dark Lord will kill him if he doesn’t tell him what he wants to know, oh what a rotten thing to do.” “Yes, I should have known, after all, he’s done it before.” said Albus, sadness clouding across his usual sparkling light blue eyes. “I’m going back to Hogwarts to advise Karis and the rest of the Order, you may stay here or leave as you wish. Arthur, your son Ronald is at Hogwarts, I understand Harry and Miss Granger accompany him and they will be staying at the school until the start of term, and like my Grand Daughter I sincerely recommend it. It’s not normally the order of things but at least they will be safe.” “I think that’s a good idea, keeps them out of trouble – but then again!?” replied Arthur with an expecting frown, knowing they would probably get up to all sorts of things. “How did you know they were there? Dumbledore smiled at Arthur. “Occlumency my friend, Occlumency!”
Last edited by Swizzlestick; 09-08-2006 at 09:36 PM.