Thread: Quotable Quips
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:01 PM   #30 (permalink)

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I now present to you.....some posts from the other week at Hogsmeade. We've got Nik, Fran, AMMZ, and ANDREI

Originally Posted by Count Andrei Vannacutt *gags*
Count Andrei Vannacutt apparated at the end of Main street early that morning. He looked around at the sleepy, picturesque village and smirked. The whole damn place needed a quick caffeine rush, or maybe just he did as he was so unused to being awake at this time. He was even more unused to the idea of being in this village at this time to meet...a woman. Who was nowhere to be seen. Just like the last time.

He glanced at his pocket watch irritably, willing her to appear quickly as he needed to get some caffeine in his blood.
Originally Posted by AMMZ for realz
Andi walked down the path, her head bowed against the wind which whipped around the small village, raising leaves and dust away from her path as if they were scuttling to get out of her way. Her dark eyes flitted from face to face, and then came to a halt on the visage of the one she had technically come to see.

"Count Vannacutt," she said, nodding at him in acknowledgement.
Originally Posted by Count Git
Andrei watched the woman approach, looking as if she owned the world. Or at least, the village. She was so...scary, he thought with a grin. Once again the thought crossed his mind : why was he so intent to get under this woman's skin? And once again, he lacked the answer to that question.

"Andi...what a pleasure to meet you again..." he said, taking her hand in his and tucking it into the crook of his arm, "It would be even better over coffee. Where is a good place for coffee here?"
Originally Posted by Professor Awesome
"Do you insist on physical contact all the time, Vannacutt?" said Andi irritably, trying to take her hand away, even while deep inside, too deep for her to gouge out with a spoon, something inside her did flipflops. "Well, the Three Broomsticks is better known for it's butterbeer than anything else. And the Hogshead is for beer. I suppose that leaves Madam Puddifoots." She sighed, and almost imperceptibly (in fact, so imperceptibly that Andi herself didn't notice) leaned towards Andrei so that the two of them seemed to be ensconced in a little bubble. Which probably wasn't a good thing, considering every latent feeling and outward curse would be filling that little space.
Originally Posted by Evil dude
"Do you insist on having such a delightful disposition all the time, Andi?" Andrei rejoined with a raised eyebrow. She was so...feisty. Always ready to fight him, and he found it terribly refreshing, if not a little bit annoying as it was too early for him to receive such negative energy. "Madam Puddifoots? Interesting name for a coffee shop." he said and headed to said cafe.

It was nice, this walking closely together thing, he decided as he stole a glance at the woman beside him. She may be all unsheathed claws and insults when it came to him, but he knew that she liked him. There was no other explanation for her meeting him again and again.

He pushed the door to the cafe open and his jaw went slack as he took in the decor. "What the hell?"
Originally Posted by Nik's future momma!
"Delightful is as delightful does," retorted Andi, "you're not exactly Prince Charming yourself." Which of course brought forth an unpleasant question: why on earth did she keep meeting him? It was hardly because Nikolai was a maladjusted, shaking little waif.

He was, in fact, the complete opposite - Andi took in the decor with a look akin to horror. "It didn't look like this the last time I was here!" she said, panicking at the pink. "Right, come on, let's go to the Hogs Head instead."
Originally Posted by Fran's future father in law *cackles*
Andrei was just about to turn on his heel and bolt out the door when a woman's voice called out to them. Before he could even react, an elderly lady about half his height and clothes that made her blend into the decor appeared right in front of them, successfully blocking their exit.

"Madam...Puddifoot, I presume?" He asked uncertainly. The old lady shook her head with a tinkle of laughter, "No, no..she was my great aunt...I inherited the cafe. Now, why dont you two lovebirds get a table and I'll serve you drinks and cakes?"

She was such a sweet little manipulator that the next thing he realized was him pulling a chair out for Andi at a table in the corner. "I suppose I'll coffee..." he said, still shell shocked.
Originally Posted by Andrei's love bird
"Love birds?" squeaked Andi as she sat down, clutching onto the edge of the table. Her eyes were wide with panic as she looked across at Andrei. "What are you doing, ordering?" she asked in a low hiss, trying not to let the old lady, who had bustled off to get the promised cakes and drinks, overhear. "If anyone sees me - sees us -"
Originally Posted by Confident fool
Andrei looked back at her, now that he had gotten used to the lace...well, as comfortable as he could possibly ever get in this wasn't quite that bad. "Well, Andi...if my memory were the one who suggested this place. Now..what would you like to have? Breakast is my treat today." Oh, it was a treat alright. It was always a treat to see the ever composed Andi Mao MacDougal Zizhen as flustered as she was at this moment.
Originally Posted by Woman who baked cookies
"I didn't know that it was so - so - so bloody romantic!" said Andi furiously, pushing some hair out of her eyes with slightly shaking fingers. With a great effort of will, she composed herself, licking dry lips. The old woman was looking at them with slight concern and there was Great Evil in that aura of sweetness. Andi was rendered completely helpless. "This is completely ridiculous," she said with a sigh, "But if I have to be a party to this, I might as well be a well fed one. Something sweet please. A cream bun maybe?"
Originally Posted by A TOAD
"You call that sweet?" Andrei scoffed and picked up the menu, peering at the words through his spectacles, "Hmm...Well then, madam, I'd like to order croissants, cheese cake, some cream buns for the lady and I think a very strong cup of coffee for both of us." The old lady nodded approvingly and took out her wand to place their order on the table.

"And what's your aversion to romantic? Do you seriously prefer the...Hogs Head that you mentioned earlier?" he asked as he broke a croissant in half and bit into it ravenously.
Originally Posted by Andi who wants Andrei
"What makes you think it's romance I have an aversion to, and not you?" said Andi with a raised eyebrow. But her mouth quirked upwards at the corners, taking the potential sting out of her words. She took a cream bun gingerly, and bit into it, feeling the cream spurt into her mouth. Self consciously, she licked any trace of the confectionary away from her mouth before she continued, "Anyway, romance is such a trivial waste of time. All this pink, and lace and cupids... complete twaddle. The Hogs Head may possibly be the worst pub in England, but at least I don't have a fat cherub dangling over my head."
Originally Posted by Andrei who wants Andi
Andrei smiled arrogantly at the woman across from him, "You do not have an aversion to me." he said confidently, "It's just the thought of being romantic with me that has you nervous."

His eyes were drawn to the way her tongue had flicked out to remove the sugary substance from her lips and his next words died before they could even form properly in his mind. He didn't realize that he was staring at her lips right now, and was putting himself in danger of having her throw a hex at him as his mind was a muddled mess.
Originally Posted by Andi the LIAR
"Romantic with you?" scoffed Andi, feeling a blush start. "Never thought about it."

Wait for it.

Waiiit. Just a few more minutes.

Oh fine. Lightning didn't strike her down. But it should've. It should strike down all monumental liars (but that might include quite a few boyfriends around the world).

Andi's head ducked, trying to keep her blush from being seen. When she looked up again, Andrei was watching her with a funny look on her face. Nervously, her fingers went to her mouth. "Have I got something on my face, Vannacutt?" she said, with a trifle of menace, telling him she'd much rather he told her instead of staring at her like she had five heads.
Originally Posted by Smooth Andrei. Reall smoooth.
Andrei shook his head to clear his mind of his wayward thoughts and smiled down at her as an unmistakable blush took over her normally pale skin. His eyes kept wandering back to her lips, even though his mind was as clear as it could possibly be around her.

"'s nothing, really...just a little bit of..." he lied as he leaned closer to her and removed an imaginary speck of whatever from the corner of her mouth, "sugar." he finished while his hand lingered on her cheek.
While AMMZ and Andrei are in Puddifoot's, this is happening....

Originally Posted by Fran
Francesca was being led into Hogsmeade by Nik at first but now it seemed as if they were walking at an even pace. She had no clue where she wanted to go first though. They had been here before but she didn't really care where to go as long as they were away from the school in general. She raised a brow and blinked looking over towards Madame Puddifoot's. "Um Nik I could be seeing things but I swear I thought I just saw your father walk in there."
Originally Posted by Nik
Nik looked in the direction Fran was pointing and burst out laughing, "There? You're joking, right? My father...Count Andrei Vannacutt would not be caught dead walking into Madam Puddifoots. Besides, what would he be doing in Hogsmeade? He works near Glasgow.."

Despite his nonchalance, inwardly he was fervently praying to the gods that his father was not in Hogsmeade or anywhere close by. Because if he was..there could only be one reason : AMMZ.

Originally Posted by Devil Spawn

Francesca snorted and poked Nik in the ribs. She could have swore that's who it was but she prayed that it was not. "I swear it looked like him! You think your father has a long lost clone twin or something? I can't see him going in there either but it sure looked like him!" She started laughing herself at the thought of Count Vannacutt going into Madam Puddifoots. Francesca herself would never be caught dead in that place unless it was a very drastic circumstance like if she had to hide from someone.
Originally Posted by Fran's other half
Nik's heart was pounding in his chest and he glanced uncertainly at the cafe in the distance. "Maybe it's just somebody who looks like him...I'm sure there are people who look like the count..." he said, shrugging it off. "Erm...anyway, do you have anything in particular you'd like to do?" he asked her, trying to take the subject off his father.
Originally Posted by Nik's other half
"Hm maybe there is someone that looks like him. I guess I'm just seeing things, right?" Francesca said uncertainly raising an eyebrow at the cafe. She could have swore it was him. There was no mistaking that man. If there was a look a like of Count Andrei Vannacutt then that man would definitely be him. "I really don't care right now. I just wanted to get out of the school because it's felt really eerie lately for some reason. It's made me nervous."
Originally Posted by The other devil spawn
Nik drew her closer to his side and glanced over his shoulder at the imposing structure of stone that was Hogwarts. "Are you talking about the...mysterious occurances?" he asked, unsure of what to call them except what they were...mysterious occurances. "I know what you're talking about...and it's not doing much to help endear me to the school..."
Originally Posted by The future Vannacutt *evil*
Fran looked back at Hogwarts and turned back towards Nik. Her skintone had changed a bit ever since all the occurances had started around the school. She had heard the rumors about what was going on and it was really spooky. Sebastian acting weird around her didn't help much either. "Yeah I'm talking about the occurances. That and I think what you said about Sebastian was right." She looked back towards Madam Puddifoot's and shook her head. Fran you're just seeing things. Be quiet about that!
Originally Posted by So jealous
Nik wrapped an arm around her shoulders as her complexion paled slightly. Maybe the happenings were taking their toll on her, he worried. "Sebastian? We both know that he cannot be trusted...there's no reason to talk about him anymore." he declared rather defensively. Sebastian was a sore topic, and he did not like having Fran talk about the other boy. Especially not since Sebastian seemed to be developing a tendre for her.

Originally Posted by Freaked out lolz
Ever since Francesca had heard about the so called mysterious occurances that had been happening around the school, she had become very tense around the school. She wasn't sure who to trust around the school. Sebastian seemed very untrustworthy because he was. She couldn't really trust anyone in that place except for two people and they were Lua and Nik. She smiled a bit and sighed as Nik wrapped an arm around her. "Fine we won't talk about him anymore. It's a sore subject anyway. I'm just a bit nervous he's going to do something to one of us soon. It freaks me out. I've been really freaked out ever since this mysterious occurances stuff has started."
Originally Posted by Nik who thinks Fran likes Seb *dies laughing*
Nik grew suspicious as she kept on talking about Sebastian and he knew it was stupid but he was jealous of the attention she paid the other boy. "What makes you think he'll do something? Has he said anything to you?" he demanded as he stopped her in the middle of the street and looked down into her eyes intently.
Originally Posted by Fran who hates Sebastian with the flaming passion of a thousand suns
Francesca suddenly went from facing the streets to staring into Nik's eyes. He wanted to know if Sebastian had said anything to her. She wasn't sure what his reaction would be if she told him. However if she couldn't tell Nik something about Sebastian, she couldn't tell him anything. "Yes he did say something to me. He sent me a letter to speak with him alone in the halls. He wanted to see if I had the guts to come meet him without you. That's what he said."
Originally Posted by ANGRY NIK. RAWRRRR

"He wanted you to do that? Well..did you?" Nik asked angrily, he wanted to find that boy and pound him to the ground. And afterward, he'd send so many hexes his way that the boy would never have seen it coming. He looked down into Fran's face, desperately hoping that she hadn't gone to see Sebastian.
Originally Posted by Clueless of what happens next
"I didn't know he sent it until he told me he did! The letter was anonymous. It said 'meet me in the halls. come alone.' I swear to you I had no idea he wrote it. I went to see who it was and it turned out to be him." Francesca said looking at Nik. She hated telling this to him but it wasn't like Nik had anything to worry about anyway. It wasn't like Sebastian was going to steal her away from Nik. Fran couldn't stand Sebastian and Nik knew this
Next few posts. The combining of the parties.

Originally Posted by Proving he's cooler than Seb
"You went?!" Nik practically shouted, his blood was rushing in his ears and he could hardly control the rage and jealousy he felt. "Fran? How could you? And why would you do what the note said? That's foolish! It's dangerous! Anything could have happened to you!" He grabbed her shoulders and brought her close to him in a crushing hug. "I would kill him if anything were to happen to you, Fran..." he said and lowered his lips to hers in a swift kiss.

ooc : swift. very short. nothing overly PDA.
Originally Posted by So loved it
ooc: yeah yall so shush.

Francesca tried to take a step back from the exploding boy that was Nikolai Vannacutt but she couldn't. She pretty much regretted telling him that but he needed to know why she was so freaked out lately. She was about to defend herself but she never got the chance to since Nik's lips met hers in a kiss. She of course kissed back. When said kiss was stopped, she smiled and looked up at Nik. "I thought for a second you were going to kill me Nikolai Vannacutt. I didn't expect that." Not saying I didn't like it of course.
Originally Posted by Gotta love her. XD
To her extreme humiliation, Andi felt her breath catch painfully in her throat and she reddened even more. Her own hand went automatically up to pull his away from her face. "You - you could have just told me," she said, trying to sound cold. Compared to the freezing depths she could plummet to, her voice this time was no icier than the Hogwarts Lake. She could still feel his hand in hers, the warmth burning against her palm.

Alright. Let go.

... go on, just sort of... push this finger off... and then the others...


Look, what part of let go do you not understand?!

The part about letting that warmth out of her hand, apparently. Andi bit her lip and released his hand slowly. Unwillingly. "It's gone now, I trust?" she said like a question, and she wasn't referring entirely to the sugar on her face either. She wondered if the burning sensation he gave her would ever go away.

The pressure of her teeth on her lower lip increased as Andi looked away from his face, trying to regain her pairings. At first she couldn't make out the two figures on the street. They were kissing, and Andi made a mental note to take out her confusion on them by taking 349458439857947 points off each respective house.

Then Andi's eyes focussed properly. "Oh, hell!" she said, looking back at Andrei, feeling quite sure that he wouldn't want to see this. She tried to think of something, anything to say to prevent him from turning around.
Originally Posted by MADMAN ON THE LOOSE!
Andrei was so sure that he had finally gotten past her defences this time and was just about done congratulating himself when her concentration wandered from him and her entire countenance tensed. "What now?" he muttered as she said something herself.

He turned to see whatever it was she was looking at and he found himself looking at two very young Hogwarts' students embracing in the street right outside their window. "What? Would you like to show them how it's really d-" just then the laughter dropped from his eyes as it registered on him who the young couple were.

He shot to his feet and threw down a few galleons onto the table, "I'll be right back, Andi." he said tensely and made to get out of the cafe.
Originally Posted by Attempting to stop the madman
Andi leapt up, trying to disentangle her skirt from the lacy tablecloth. Apparently the two materials had been so impassioned by their sudden lack of control that they too wanted to experience passion for themselves.

"Argh," she snarled, ripping her skirts and tearing about a yard of the tablecloth. Hopefully Andrei's galleons would cover that. "Andrei Vannacutt, don't be ridiculous! It's a bit much to be playing the overprotective parent now isn't it?!"

She strode after him, trying to stop him.

(Ooh, but he did look very sexy when he was all tense like that and -

--Shut up.)
Originally Posted by Getting ready to run
"Why would I kill you? If anyone were to be murdered here, it would be that rat Sebastian." Nik said, smiling smugly down at her, knowing that his jealousy had been misplaced. There was no way she could kiss him back if she was with Sebastian behind his back. Just then, his thoughts were interrupted as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Originally Posted by AAAAND WE'RE OFF!
"It would not be the rat Sebastion, Nikolai. For sure, it is going to be you." Andrei said angrily from behind his son. Before he could reach for Nikolai's shoulder to grab him, the boy had already started running hell for leather off in the other direction : back to Hogwarts. And he was holding on to that devil's spawn as if his life depended on it.

"Damn." Andrei muttered as he made his way to stalk after to two young children.
Originally Posted by The Voice of REASON
It was either do or die. Well, she would do it. And if she didn't, Nikolai was quite likely to die for it. Rushing out after the bloody idiot Andrei, she watched Nikolai and Fran make a run for it. "You're being stupid about this - oh!" she snarled in temper as he ignored her and went after them.

Furiously, she stuck her foot out front of him to trip him up.

"Will you listen to reason?!" was already forming in her mouth.
Originally Posted by DEVIL SPAWN FOR TEH WIN!
Francesca went from calm to tense once again when she saw the figure come up behind Nik. Her eyes widened and the corners of her mouth formed a slight smirk. The Count was ****** off and it was her fault once again. A point for Francesca was in order. Before she could deliver an insult to the man, she was running off with Nik back towards the school. This scene had happened once before. "I told you I saw him! I knew he was here!" She turned her head back for a split second and gasped. "Is that AMMZ with him!?"
Hmkay I'm done. For now.

was this life a gift or a burden?
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