Chapter 3
Ron helped Hermione finish up at the house then the couple disapperrated to Diagon Alley.
Hermione looked around the bright sunny street and saw that the bleakness that had settled over the shops since Voldemort's return had lifted. Colorful displays replaced Death Eater wanted posters, and people had regained their joyfulness. Groups of shoppers again stopped to chat and took their time to browse amongst the many shops.
Ron suddenly pointed at one shop, which had previously been boarded up and abandonded.
"He's back!" Ron said happily. "The Death Eater's didn't get him! Ollivander must have been in hiding."
Hermione looked and saw the shop was now back open for business. She felt her heart swell with gladness! Everyone knew Ollivander's wands were the best!
"Ron, would you like an ice-cream?" She said with a wide grin and pointing off to the other side of the alley.
"Whaa?" Ron uttered as he spun around to look.
"Florean's back too!" Hermione said. "Let's go say hello!"
The two eagerly moved through the crowd, never noticing the many admiring looks they were getting from those they passed.
"Welcome back! We are SO happy to see you!" Hermione told the ice cream maker, who smiled back happily.
"And it's thanks to wizards and witches like you two that I am here," the man, who was absolutely beeming, replied.
Ron and Hermione both blushed.
"We didn't do that much," Ron mumbled modestly.
Florean heard him and looked into the young couple's eyes.
"Ya don't think so, do ya?" He said, his smile widening even more. "Well, turn around and take a look at what other's think!"
Ron and Hermione then turned to look behind them where they discovered a whole crowd of people had followed them over to the Parlor. They stood looking at them and smiling, then they all began clapping and cheering!
Ron and Hermione were stunned. Ron found himself standing a little straighter despite his embarrassment. Hermione, still blushing, raised her hand and gave a small wave at the crowd, which then respectfully broke apart and went their own way.
"That was there way of thanking you for all you did," Florean said as he handed them both a huge bowl of his most popular frozen confection. "Any witch or wizard they know were involved in the Wizard Battle gets the same reception. And, this is on the house!"
"Thank you!" Hermione said before turning to look at Ron's face, which still bore a stunned look. She looked back again to Florean, who smiled. "He's not used to being famous, is he?"
"But we're not!" Hermione said.
"Oh, yes you are, young lady," Florean said, still smiling, but this time it was twinged with a bit of sympathy. "Everyone knows that it was Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley and their Dumbledore's Army that finally defeated Voldemort! You better get used to it!"
"Merlin's Beard!" Ron said, which caused Florean and Hermione to laugh.
After they finished their ice creams, the couple made their way to Gringotts Bank, where Hermione had her final piece of business to take care of. She was glad Ron was with her as she closed her parent's account, exchanged their Muggle currency from the Muggle bank, and deposited it all into her own account.
Hermione sighed deeply as she looked at the small fortune now sitting in side her vault. Her parent's had made a good living as dentists. She had already contacted the Realtor to put their office up for sale to another dentist who would also purchase all the supplies and machinery inside. It was closing a door that opened an empty hole inside her very soul. She leaned against Ron who put his arms around her as they left the bank and walked towards the Leaky Cauldron. This time, they both noticed the quick glances they were given as everyone seemed to know who they were. They did not intrude, but they knew that was out of respect for them and Hermione found it oddly comforting, as if all those eyes were sharing in her sorrow. But then, they had all suffered their own losses as well, she knew.
They found a booth in a secluded area of the old pub and had dinner before they apperated to the Burrow, which would bring its own adjustments to bear, but would also be comforting as well.
Hermione put her head on Ron's shoulder and sighed...
"I don't think there is anyone who hasn't lost something or someone during Voldemort's reign," she said.
"I know," Ron said. "I know."
Keeper of Hermione's Wand and Ronald's Pride 
Thanks to Laura for resizing for me!
Author of Surprise Letter to Harry and Hermione's Challenge |