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Old 09-07-2006, 10:43 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Word 2 ~ Muggle Studies

Dennis grinned as he went to his first Muggle Studies lesson. For him it would be relatively easy, being muggleborn, but he was interested how his classmates would react.

On the front desk, Dennis spotted a variety of lamps and torches. The Professor spoke.

"This is an experimental lesson. Please explore the artefacts, trying to identify their use in the Muggle world."

Dennis chuckled as a pair accidently turned on the torch, shining it directly in their eyes. Dropping the torch, one reached out blindly, tripping over a desk and falling into a heap.

"Is to stun people?" the girl asked.
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