*Still chasing Teddy with the cannons after that last comment* Call me old ... Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 82. : I loved you-The willow by the old country lane leading from Ottery St.
Charles Sumpter remembered it well. It was still there the old willow, now grown so tall and wide, standing next to the country lane that led outside of Ottery St. Catchpole. He stopped, walked around and found engraved there the initials C & M. He used to meet Marisa there. He smiled at the memory, at the way time passed, and how things planned often went awry.
“You can’t be careful with a heart,” his grandfather had said. “Live and love hard.” The words of an older man now echoed in this old man’s ears as he walked in melancholy.